Amp repair

I have a Verastarr SSA-64 which has served me well until I crossed the cables on the speaker posts. I have tried to find someone locally to repair, but not having any luck. I have contacted Verastarr but they are not able to repair.  I am looking for any suggestions in the central PA, Philadelphia, Delaware or Maryland area.  I would prefer to take it in personally instead of shipping. Thanks in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xelybry

It makes no sense,

the speakers would simply be out of phase, less bass most noticable, but connecting speaker wires reversed, at the amp or at the speakers should not damage the amp.

I think the OP touched the wires together, that’s the way I read it. That would indeed short out an amp...I speak from experience. As long as I was in the high-end business, it’s bound to happen...a few times :-)

I found a couple of pics of the inside of this amp.  Man, this thing is stuffed!  I don't see any fuses, (they should have popped first...if used and installed?).  Maybe they use relays or something else?

If the OP can’t find someone local, I always recommend Stephen Sank at Talking Dog in Arizona. He IMHO, is one of the best techs in the country.

Post removed 

Posts are close together on the amp, and I had it in bridged mode and the cable end touched the pos and neg posts at the same time. Shorting it out. DA move.

I tried Vu and they weren’t excellent for me.  I then took my unit to Mark Weiss of Amp Experts in New Milford CT and he fixed it up.  He is a real audio engineer, good with electronics!

Sen Alagic, Philadelphia 

excellent tech engineer 

repaired my ARC amps

aalltech at g mail dot com


I would suggest contacting the manufacture and request for a PDF copy of your model amp's service manual or wiring diagram and then locate a good audio repair service with service manual in hand. A competent audio repair service will be able to trouble-shoot your amp with the service manual. Good luck.

My tech is Kris Rhoades - Fine Tuned Audio - Winter Springs, Florida. His partner is set up in Arizona - Awesome !