Avantegarde Duo repair.

Thanks in advance for any help. I have a beautiful pair of automotive blue AG Duo’s (not the 18ohm version) and both my SUB225’s have failed. I actually have 4 SUB225’s.  One still works fine, one blows a fuse immediately and the pair that were in use are not powering up but the fuses are fine.  Happened last week. 

I live in the Chicago NW suburbs. Any recommendations for a quality shop to diagnose and repair?

Additionally does anyone have an opinion on value as is for someone with the knowledge to repair?






You could contact the US distributor, who I think is in Canada or the factory, but I suspect they won’t keep spares on hand given that the model has been superseded. Is it the plate amp? Those things are ubiquitous- as I remember, they are not servo type, so you should be able to swap in a replacement without spending a lot. The hard part will be getting one that is the right size, check impedance, etc.

I’m worried that my pair will die. The other alternative is to just leave the existing woofers in place and run external woofers, which give you the option to locate them separately from the horns. Note that the AG woofer is not a true sub- it goes up pretty high. Rhythmik at one point made a woofer that did that, but I’m not sure they still make it.
PS: I just checked the Rhythmik site, they do make a woofer that is adaptable for higher frequency response, which means you’ll need to add true subs to these. Depending on shop time and parts for a repair/direct replacement, this is an alternative-- I would not try to replace the existing woofers, just leave ’em disconnected.


Thanks for the suggestions. I worry that using something like a Rhythmik would create time alignment issues and I’m not sure at what frequency the bass module becomes audibly directional. I had used 2 subs with them set to 170hz and a 12 db slope. The SUB225’s were set to 170hz if I remember correctly. I like my subs to add meat to the music not slam me.

Knowing that Avantgarde would probably charge a ton for a repair, I'd look into a plate amp replacement. 

Isn’t Bob @ Rhapsody in NY a dealer?  I know he was and should have some info even if he dropped the line. 

Fixing 4 amplifiers may be costly and the 225 was one of the reasons I sold my Duos it never sounded as a whole. Maybe consider having a pair of bass horns built. I used bass horns with my Duos they became a far more enjoyable loudspeaker.

Yes, I built a good num of bass horns for Trio owners and a pair for my Duos. 

Located S WI if you want to hear a bass horn. Not trying to sell just trying to help.

Jon,  Thanks for posting.  I have 225s with my  AG Trios and really like them.  All are still working fine (fingers crossed).  The thing I like about the 225s is both volume and cross-over point can be set to match room acoustics.  That is a big plus over other subs.

Please post F/U if you find reliable repair source.

Good to hear John Ks comment.  Would definitely be interested in a horn sub at some point.

most-likely amp output stage is blown and needs to be replaced.

local techs can do that for around $300 and it seems to be generic job