amp for ZU Audio Druid V speakers

Hi looking for advise for amp for my druid V speakers ,I have Manley snappers and Don sachs preamp now, looking for a change that will work best with these speakers, I have A Decware 25th Ann amp on order ,but i was told by zu to get 2 and run mono ,but thats a long wait ,any suggestions ,thanks LP.

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If you forgo tubes, like I have, checkout Luxman and Pass Labbs Class A amps. I purchased a Luxman L-595ase (Class A) for my ZU Omen Defs after I sold my BHK Tube Pre and Firstwatt J2 combo. I have not thought about tubes since.

I own Druid Vs, and I pair them with Atma-Sphere M-60s, which I A-Bed with a Decware Torii Mk IV for over a year before the M-60s won out. I previously drove that combo with a Don Sachs DS2 and it was very good, but now I have an Atma-Sphere MP-3 that's even better.

I've heard that the M-60s were one of the amps Sean Casey used to voice the original Druids, which I also owned. I've tried a lot of amps with the Druids and the M-60s are definitely the keepers, although the Torii was also very good.

Given the high sensitivity, it is essential that you have an amp that is ultra-quiet and Art Audio is designed to work well with Avantgarde at 104-107dB sensitivities. 

Art Audio is an awesome match for Zu.  WIth 101 dB sensitivity, most SETs will do the job and do well.  I have had customers with Druids run but our 845 (Carissa) and 300B (Diavolo and Harmony Silver) power amps and have tremendous results.  

If you are looking for a more traditional integrated, an ideal option would be the Canor AI1.10.  Again, have a customer who has Tektons, Zus and Cubes and this sounded great with all three.  

I am the importer for both brands.  Obviously I am biased, but in the same token I do have lots of customers and Zu is a common pairing for those customers.  

Based on my experience, the Manley Snappers are excellent amps. I'm surprised you are not satisfied.

Regardless, good luck with your search.

IME the speaker needs a bit of power; 60 Watts/channel is nice. But its very good for tube amps so you have a lot of options.