Affordable Power Cords

Looking to replace the stock power cord on my Jolida 502A tube integrated amp and am considering purchasing Signal Cable's MagicPower power cord. But before I do so, I was wondering if other have had experience with this power cord and what their thoughts are about it? Also, would appreciate some suggestions on other affordable power cords ($50 - $100 range).

Didn't noticed I had to ask to try the pc. Anyway I hope I'm included...Thanks
Can I get in on this? If so sign me up, Thank you!!

Merry Christmas to all!!

I would like to try one of your power cords. Setting up an Audio Research system and would be interested in how it works in there. Will give honest opinion and look at other products also. Thank you, Steve sandscards
How can I say no? Thank you for your Christmas spirit and same back to you and yours. If I get one will post honest opinion against my stuff. Happy holidays to all!
I m in for a try. would have an opportunity to satisfy for myself that VD PC is really world class as reviewed and claimed by many audiogoners.Merry christmas tq
Hi Rick, I would love to get a Power 3. I'm in the market for power cords right now. Many thanks, Mark
Hi Everyone, This is a great thread, and I love all the input. I also would love to receive a Power 3 PC and do a step review. Like out of the box, 25hour, 50hours, 100hrs, and 250hrs. I love to be a critical listener. If this works Bob let me know. Thanks and everyone please have a happy and healthy holidays.
Okay your all in! I posted this at 22 entries but if if your e-mail makes it before mine goes through the moderator you will get a free power three. I am off for a Christmas party so won't see the outcome today. I wish I could have given hundreds to all of you and I am sorry for any of you have missed out but please have a wonderful Christmas and give generously to others, it truly is a lot of fun.
From all of us happy holidays!
I would like to try one of your power cords.
My system:
ML37-GDL-THETA Gen Va - Plinius /CD-Lad + 102/
Hey Rick , I'm sure I speak for all of us lucky enough to have been included in your pc give-a-way..
THANK YOU ...greatly appreciated.....Have a safe and happy holiday.
A day late and a dollar short. I was talking to a VD sales rep yesterday. If I knew about this thread I could have gotten a free cord! Oh well. I'm considering replacing my Zu Birth PC's with the VD Davids.
I know it may be too late but would like to get in on your Holiday spirit give-a-way. If happy with result I would defintley be interested in 4 more pair.

To Rick and everybody else at Virtual Dynamics,

A sincere THANK YOU for your kindness, generosity and holiday spirit!

I was just looking for some new cord options. If not too late I'd like in on this gesture. If too late, thanks anyway and Happy Holidays
Hello Rick and all, I recieved the Power three cord on the 31st. Thank you very much Rick! The cord is very well made and looks nice. As most know this is a heavy cord, I need to support and tie wrap it to keep it from pulling out or putting too much strain on the ends. I do this with all cords and interconnects as a matter of practice to prevent any any cord from working its way loose or to prevent inadvertantly pulling out a cable by accident, so I was already set up for this.

This cable is really stunning. I had no preconceived idea how the cable would sound. I used it in place of the stock cord for my Hagerman Trumpet to my power supply. I heard improvements in all areas of reproduction. Especially impressive was the improvement in microdynamics with greater detail and much improved tonality in instruments. Instruments (especially piano, but all instruments) sound to be tuned tighter as if they were impropery tuned before, they now sound more natural and alive. This was not subtle! I am very impressed with this cable and highly reccomend them.

Thanks again Rick!

A little Blu Tak around the connection point will keep the PC from slipping out. This has worked very well for me.
Hi Rick, just received your power cord. I m sure it is worth its weight. Well constructed. Will give it a serious listening the next few days and report. TQ for your generosity and Candace is certainly friendly and helpful tq
Just received Rick's Power Cord. Where will I get the best results; Wall to Power Conditioner, PC to CD player or PC to Integrated Amp? Thanks.
Replaced all my non-captives with PS Audio Power Punch ($49.95 from Music Direct or others)and they made a nice difference. Bass is much better, stronger clearer, highs seem more lilting and extended. Improved 3 dimensionality.

I missed your Xmas gift of Power 3's. My loss. I currently use PS Audio Xstreme Plus everywhere in my system. I know this is subjective question, but how/where is your 3 compared to the PS Audio product I'm using. Where(source, pre, power) might I see the biggest change/improvement. I recently added a Benchmark DAC1, but am using stock PC right now. Would it help there at all? Thanks for you thoughts in advance.
I was fortunate to receive a free Virtual Dynamics Power 3 power cord from Rick, and the folks at VD. I've had it in the system for a short time, but have already noticed some very nice changes. The overall sound quality has been lifted to another level, like someone pulled heavy covers off of the speakers. When I posted my virtual system, I had commented on how the CD player had a much narrower soundstage than the analog end. After installing the Power3, it really opened up, and I find that I'm listening to CD's more now. Played Steely Dan's "Everything Must Go", and was moved by how much better it sounded, more real, more there, actually performing in the room.
Thanks Rick. It's getting closer to where I want to be.
Glad you're all enjoying them.

I was looking to see how similar your findings were to our tests and this has been very helpful to us as well. So, I should thank you as well for giving your feedback so... Thanks guys!

What you're hearing, at least for the most part, is the result of reducing mechanical vibration in the incoming power. It is best usually to use the cable on the source as the better (cleaner) the source or signal quality the easier it is to amplify and the more truthful the reproduction. Our view is this: better audio is all about better devices. We see science pointing us as toward energy efficiency as a means of building sounding audio.

That leads us to what we did in the Power Three cable you have, you see, eliminating vibration is now commonly understood to lower noise-floor and audible distortion. Treating or reducing vibration at the source makes good common sense so this is what the device (plug and play modifications, we call them) is designed primarily to do. If you can successfully lower vibrations in the audio path at any point you will allow more signal to flow in replacement of that vibration, or at least, that's the theory.

Your observations are the helping us to further verify this. So far your findings are pretty much on par with our predictions of what the cable should do, and the audible result of lowering noise. I might add we have consistently found this result over six years now and thousands of observers. In fact, it all started right here on Audiogon six years ago with our very first plug and play modification product the Power Three.

This is why I choose to do part of our give away with Audiogon members as you indeed started us and continue to support us in our unique ideas about how to make audio a greater pleasure, at least for some those who will give different things a try with an open mind and open ears as you have done, so thanks again to all of you here at Audiogon.

Have fun with them and keep us posted.

Rick, in cased you missed this, here are my listening impressions. I tried posting this link before, but it apparently didn't stick. Absolutely loved the cord.
That is very cool Wellfed! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for posting your comments on the Power Three experience. BTW did you find much change after some use even with your break-in/conditioning treatment?

Somebody needs a damn good whacking and it ain't who you think it is. ;-)


No, I just went ahead and put it on my fridge a few days after receiving your cord. I was about to go on vacation so the timing worked out well. I don't normally have THAT much patience. ;-)
They were cable cooked before leaving the shop but I have found a fridge works well in addition to a cable cooker so I am glad you had the time to do it.
I've been playing around with some PS Audio cords (Plus and Prelude) and a couple of MAC cords (HC and Source). I have a very hard time hearing any significant difference between any of these on my Denon/PS Audio/BAT/Von S set up. Now I note that my system is fed by a dedicated line to which I attach a PS Audio PPP which regenerates a clean wave, so perhaps the power is pretty good by the time it feeds the cables to my components. I feel the MAC and PS Audios are a 'slight' improvement over stock and I could not distinguish between these two makes in the dark if forced, so I'd love to hear a cable that really was clearly noticeably better, cos I'd buy a half dozen of them --- but has anyone out there done an unsighted test on the cables they are using (please calm down before replying if blind tests irk you)?
Oscar44, your testing results aren't surprising. I've read many times of people that didn't receive any but marginal (or no) improvements from a particular power cord. Lesser PS Audio cords have often been mentioned in this regard. My experiments with DIY VenHaus "Flavor" cords were similar, only marginal improvements. The Cryo-Parts and Virtual Dynamic cords I've got were instantly producing very audible improvements in my system. Don't worry about double blind tests to validate your impressions. I doubt any power cord produces uniformly repeatable effects in a wide variety of systems. I'm a rational person by nature, but I also accept that there are things which contribute to improved sound which we don't understand fully. If you bought a half dozen of a particular cord that is universally praised for producing improvements, it's quite possible you'd not receive uniform improvements in all your components. I've heard far more variation in performance of power cords at given price point than has been the case with interconnects. Power conditioning is another example of similar product interactions. I and many others have used a given power conditioner and praised it's contributions to our systems while an equal number have found the same condioner to be lacking.
Oscar44, not to get off the subject of power cords but related. I found changing the wall outlet where you plug in your equiptment is where the magic all starts. as I experimented with many, the best sound for me was the Oyaide gold/gold outlet, they all do make a difference that you can hear.when you are happy with the change then you can experiment with your cords. I must warn you that the outlets need a long break-in period.
Interesting comments, Photon 46 and Jimman, thank you both. Let me react in kind, I hope, in the spirit of healthy discussion.

I'd never just buy cords that reviewed well, but if I found one that truly elevated my sound I would be inclined to replace the rest of the cords too. I accept that the results might not be uniformly better since it is conceivable that effects on amps are not the same, or of the same magnitude, as on cd players etc. However, I would think that the science that went into producing the original improvement should have some carry-over benefits to other parts of the system (and it may be that the designers understand the underlying science so well that they can produce specific cords for specific components (cable A for high power amps, B for tubes, C for digital etc) which I would need to take into account in purchasing the remaining half dozen). The alternative seems to be a view that each component in each specific system will react in such a unique way that general engineering improvements in cables are not possible - only custom designing for that system can work, and I don't believe any cable company would argue for this -- rather each believes it has some general design breakthrough that works for most uses.

My outlets are hospital grade but nothing fancier, and I agree that there might be some value in upgrading these since ultimately every component draws on the current flowing through here -- indeed, it makes some intuitive sense to me that these would be more important than changes downstream (GIGO) but again, if your stylus is dirty, clean it first, don't imagine conditioning the power or adding a new cord to the table will help resolve that problem.

I joined this discussion late and I gather lots of you are testing the VD products so please, let us all know what you are experiencing and what you are comparing it against. I am impressed that the company is willing to state simply what they think is happening with their designs but I am not so quick to disregard testing, there's a lot of evidence that people are less able to distinguish sonic differences in cables than is claimed but I don't imagine many of us have the time to set up real blind tests, they are a pain to conduct. But changing back and forth a couple of times with other people to bounce your impressions off can also be very helpful. I would like to learn though what you find changes sonically, and if the cable works better in some components or combinations than others.

Ultimately, here's to audio -- where would we all be without it?

I have only attempted a Zu Birth and nothing more expensive than that and am curious to hear what others have to say about the Power 3's. I have heard about pc differences but have not yet heard any improvements myself. I realize that I have not looked at any high end cables, but I have held back, because i have a hard time with why they would make such a big difference(not here to start a debate). If I hear enough positive's here I will go and give them a try. If I do where would one want to try it first, pre-amp, amps, source?
OK, I've decided to put this to the test myself. I have just purchased a couple of VD David PCs to try with my BAT VK500. I'll report myself when I get them but apparently it will be several weeks before I receive them. I intend to try them with my PS Audio PPP and straight from the wall, and even with my other components in turn if they are easy enough to fit.
Please let us know your impressions and results Oscar44. It's always interesting to hear of results in different systems.
Affordable is a matter of perspective. On my pre amp the Synergistic Research Tesla T2 power cord at $550 replaced my old Shunyata Anaconda 2 at $2200. The differences were startling- a much wider and deeper sound stage with pin point imaging and natural image outlines and bloom that was lacking with the Conda, more air, better low frequencies, unbelievable detail yet smoother and more transparent. The T2 is altogether organic making the Conda sound cool, metallic, flat and compressed by comparison.

The best advice when purchasing cables is to try them in your system first- after comparing different cables only then will you know what compliments your system.
My system sounds so much better with the free VD Power 3 cable I received, I decided to try a set of VD David IC's that were for sale here on A'gon. I put them between the CDP and the preamp, and they made the Speltz Anti-IC's sound like filters. They improved everything as much as the power cord had, so I figured I had to fill out my system with three more Power 3 cords. I'm waiting for delivery with much anticipation. I always thought my system was lacking, and couldn't figure out just what it was, until I got the freebie. Clarity, dynamics, etc. It's just so focused, Everything, from the pluck of a bass string, to the thwack of a drumhead, is just so focused. It's not only heard, but felt. Remarkably so in my system, since I was only using stock cords which were supplied with the equipment. I thought everyone was blowing hot air about the power cord improvements. I figured you just can't improve on simple A.C. How wrong I was. Now all of my music sounds brand new, and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out who I want to hear first!
>>My system sounds so much better with the free VD Power 3 cable I received<<

Interesting how good something sounds when it's free.

-George Harrison
Welcome to the wonderful world of power cord and interconnect upgrades. You might now experiment with connecting the power cord directly into the wall, if it is still plugged into your Monster conditioner. Also, upgrading your wall outlet to a better quality outlet, i.e. Porter Port, will make a nice improvement as well for you. Enjoy the music.
"Bait" by John Fishermen Sr. is a good place to start &
"Money" by Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon as a great masterpiece to finish things of. Enjoy
I agree with the posts regarding the VD cables. I have always been a skeptical believer in cables and never put too much into power cords. Before the VD I tried Shunyata, Synergistic Research, etc and though I heard some difference, it was never enough to make me run out and buy something. I was one of the few who got the free Power 3 cables. I got them in Dec and let them just sit around for almost a month before trying them. This delay was a combination of laziness, the holidays, and my skepticism that a $300 power cord to do anything more than the expensive ones I tried previously. When I finally got around to trying it, I plugged the pc into my preamp. I was not in critical listening mode but I was immediately amazed at how much more dynamic the sound was. My soundstage also got substantially wider and fuller, as if the sound was now enveloping me, versus seeming like it was only coming from the front of my room. I liked what I heard so much I went ahead and bought 5 more Power 3s used on Audiogon for the rest of my system. To cut a long story short, I am so happy and I have decided to upgrade to the Master series power cables.

Yes I got my initial Power 3 for free but I paid for the rest of the VD cables. They give me what I am looking for in a system which is dynamics and an incredible soundstage.
Audiofeil, as interesting as it may seem about the fact that they were free, the change was dramatic enough where I just ordered 3 more Power 3's last night to fill out my system. I feel lucky to have stumbled into the free Power 3 give away, since it showed me just how much importance good cables make in the system. I'm sorry you think the way you do. I would have guessed you knew that whether free or not, an upgrade is usually an improvement.

Sherod, since I'll have Power 3's everywhere, I guess the next step would be the outlets. Everything is on a dedicated circuit, so that's already taken care of. Thanks for the suggestion.
I found that the Power 3 provided as large a benefit as some cords that I've tried AND own(ed) that cost 4X the retail price of the Power 3. My experience leads me to believe that ability AND synergy are what really are at play, not some psychological gobbledygook that's all the fashion these days.

I think a dealer that would intimate that a customers listening impressions are suspect is a bit MORE than suspect himself. Downright rude is the word for the practice IMO. Piggie indeed.