@blisshifi Your assessment is seemingly available as a result of your first hand experiences of the devices. Your evaluation is that there is Sound being produced that has been not so impressive and impressive, there is a better experience to be found across devices for you at a closely shared price point, and even more, if the Value of a Particular Brands Device, that already impressed, is from a Model more expensive in the range.
I have experienced this on a few occasions whilst at Phonostage Bake Off, where similar cost items are compared, there are Models that stand out as being much more impressive than another. A phon' that has won the most favour is moved onto the next increased in Value Demonstrations, it is surprising how certain more expensive models can leave a Phon' that has impressed sound quite wanting and not so attractive. Only experiencing these types of demonstrations and making ones own assessments, will there be a better understanding produced.
It is this type of encounter that is being encouraged to the OP, to experience and process a evaluation and assessment.
Hopefully whilst doing the footwork, a discovery of a Presentation is met, that is satisfying and one wanted to be maintained or be built on.
Recommendations are immediate, but they are not encounters in a audible sense, where the end user has their chance to experience how a device impacts on them.