Advice for a new analog system

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your advice.

I have made the decision to venture into the magical world of vinyl.
I was considering a VPI Avenger Direct (round 34K) turntable and CJ or Audio Research phono preamps.
As a cartridge I have in mind the Clearaudio Davinci.
I have been doing some research on Agon and apparently there are a lot of users who don't like VPI and considering the investment in the turntable I imagine there must be many options. 
I prefer the short cut of a single investment for life.
My system is Mc C1100, mc 1.25Kw and Dynaudio Evidence Platinum speakers.

What turntable and system would you recommend, I appreciate your advice.



Showing 2 responses by kennyc


How important is having multiple arms on a turntable?  This would help narrow suggestions.


There is nothing wrong with VPI products - they are no worse than other turntables. I suspect Agoners who are not fond of VPI is a matter of preference for other brand/model turntable rather than something defective in the design, or they dislike the amount of the cost. 

VPI has been around for a long time and I expect will continue to be around with young Matt Weisfeld taking over the VPI business from his founding father Harry.  VPI generally are high mass simple straightforward designs.  VPI turntables, usually a recent turntable model like the HW40 or Avenger, are commonly found in audio shows systems like AXPONA.

The VPI Avenger Direct offers a top high mass platter, option for up to 3 tonearms, and one of the very best speed accuracy turntables.

I have a VPI Avenger Rim drive.  Although VPI arms are are a fair value at their price points, I opted to get a Kuzma 4point and a Schroeder CB-L.  



I honestly don't understand (I don't argue it, just don't see it) the big difference between a 2K turntable and and the more (way more) expensive ones.



it’s not a “big difference”, but there is sonic improvements.  Whether this sonic improvements is worth spending $ on is totally subjective.