Advice for a new analog system

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your advice.

I have made the decision to venture into the magical world of vinyl.
I was considering a VPI Avenger Direct (round 34K) turntable and CJ or Audio Research phono preamps.
As a cartridge I have in mind the Clearaudio Davinci.
I have been doing some research on Agon and apparently there are a lot of users who don't like VPI and considering the investment in the turntable I imagine there must be many options. 
I prefer the short cut of a single investment for life.
My system is Mc C1100, mc 1.25Kw and Dynaudio Evidence Platinum speakers.

What turntable and system would you recommend, I appreciate your advice.



Showing 6 responses by grislybutter

there is no way (OK, 1 in a 10,000) you will buy your first turntable for 30+K and get the best value. You need to train your ear, learn what you like, experiment with different types and approaches. 

I would start with a used Pro-Ject or Rega, different carts and figure out what you are missing, where improvements could take you


right.... we come here for three reasons with questions:

  • we are clueless, we need help
  • we know what we want but we want confirmation
  • we want to argue and prove our point, show off what we have or what we know

this post is not not in any of these categories. If someone told me I HAD TO spend 30K on a TT,  I would ask: can you give me 90K for the room, the rest of the gear and another 30K for the LPs and a year to put together the ones with synergy? Without these, a 30K TT will sound as good as (insert very low $ number here) turntable



I honestly don't understand (I don't argue it, just don't see it) the big difference between a 2K turntable and and the more (way more) expensive ones. I had to replace a part the manufacturer sent me and got to find out - yes that's how little I knew - how freaking simple a turntable is. And I am aware of my ignorance, I am not an engineer, but still, how hard is it with decades of manufacturing background to spin a plate at a steady speed and make a balanced arm? The mystery to me is the cartridge, a tiny pin, picking up all that data and sending it down without any data loss to the amp. Yes, I can imagine, those are tricky, but they have been perfected too for a 100+ years now. So all in all, how much better is the sound with the super expensive ones?

@kennyc right. Let's say Rega P6 and P10.

The quality difference between the sound of those must be substantial.

I also give credit for looks and reliability, ease of use, user experience  

@rauliruegas thanks! That's awesome. 

Sounds like for tonearm/inch, the 12" is a significantly better deal.

I will start saving for the 36" one