Add streamer with quality sound to system for Tidal and portable drive

I want to add a streamer to my system, I am currently using a Dell laptop with a decent USB cable.

Will I be satisfied with a Node 2 streaming Tidal and plugging in a portable drive? I want to control from my phone. I don't need multi room access.

This is my equipment in terms of expectations: 

  • Rogue 99 pre amp

  • Rouge Ares phono pre amp

  • Rogue m180 monoblocks

  • SOTA Saphhire III

  • Dynavector DV-20X

  • Rega Saturn CD

  • Linear Power Supply for DAC

  • Brooklyn DAC

  • Vandersteen 2CE

  • Vandesteen 2W subs x2

The Pangea cord looks to be a cost effective option, I know the Nordost was well North of $
But I am biased towards Nordost cables I freely admit!
I've used this

for almost 2 years now, 1st with my mydac and then with my node2. Never compared with any other cords including stock but very satisfied. Also bought a c7 to IEC adapter from ebay <~$3 (shipped from GB) to use with any IEC but never had to try it.
I use a Nordost power cord on my Vault2.

Not that many options out there for figure eight ends that I found.

Course somebody will know better I hope and chime in.
I am very happy with my Node 2 sound quality. It seems to lose connection via WiFi, which doesn’t occur with wired LAN connection. May just be my home network. It is a keeper for streaming internet radio (eventually adding Spotify). It is also my backup Roon endpoint for playing NAS-stored music. Well worth its cost for what it does.
Think i"m going to try a Node 2 into my system....

would anyone suggest an upgraded power cord?
I agree it was a great idea to have an onboard dac for those who do not have one.
I also really like I can output spdif to my main rig and toslink to another rig.
 I use a 50ft toslink to send signal to my second system. Saved me buying a node!
I'm streaming Tidal through my Lumin D2. I'm extremely pleased with the SQ and it integrates very well with Roon.
@uberwaltz, I concur with your post, but I wanted to add that for the money, the Bluesound DAC isn't too bad. I think they were wise in allowing users to output to a DAC of their choice. It really makes it incredibly versatile at a great price point.
I have been using a Bluesound vault2 for near 2 years, mainly streaming tidal.
I very quickly figured out its weak spot was its built in DAC.
I output via spdif to a Brooklyn dac and I have no desire to look further.
On 24/96 and 192 files it is simply stunning in my system.
I think the general answer to your question is yes, adding a streamer for Tidal will likely be a satisfying upgrade over your current setup.  It was for me.  I was using an iMac, and then an optimized Mac mini as my digital front end in a couple of systems.  I purchased an Aurender N100H and it was a sizable upgrade in sound over the optimized Mac (running Audivarna).  In another system, I bought a Bluesound Node 2 as a streamer to again replace an optimized Mac mini front end. I’m running the Node 2 into an outboard DAC - again, pretty sizable improvement in sound quality.  

I’m guessing with your system, you’ll notice a pretty significant improvement too.
Well now elevick, I didn’t know that.  I have a Chord Hugo at my winter house so I’ll try that out.  I suppose then, I could also stream Radio Paradise via iPhone or iPad to the Hugo?
If you are only streaming Tidal, you can use your phone.  I have a Chord Hugo with bluetooth.  Easy to use and amazing sound.  
I have a Bluesound Vault 2 and it works great for streaming.  I like it so much I plan to purchase a Node 2 in a few months for my winter residence.  An iPad is my usual control but my iPhone also works.  Mainly like the larger screen.  I have the Tidal subscription and it operates flawlessly.
As far as sound quality, I have no complaints.  One could always experiment with an external dac somewhere down the line if upgraditis bites.
Bluesound is already setup for Tidal so a subscription is simple to add.
I just revamped my system from a MacBook Pro to a streamer.  I also use an external DAC.  I debated between the Bluesound 2 or Auralic Aries Mini.  I went with the Mini based on the Lightning DS platform for the App. Very stable with great reviews.  Of course sound quality is up to par being an Auralic. 

But...I didn't realize it at the time but my Gen 1 iPad and another old iPhone we have kicking around don't support Lightning DS.  And there is no native app for Androids either. 
If you're already ok with the laptop or any computer attached, I think you're describing a good use case for Roon. Leave the computer attached as a Roon core and you can control it from any device (other computers, phones, tablets, etc).