Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
So excited to get the Syncrho Mesh back.  Thanks for the upgrade Steve!!  Matt has been swamped at work the last few months.  I don't think the TotalDac is even there yet.  I know that he's getting to play with the Elrod and Enklein power cords though.  
Any word on a TotalDac demo? You've been attempting to arrange one it seems forever.

Thanks Steve.  I forgot to get to the Fed EX to send teh SM in for the upgrade.  Been dealing with wife's back surgery the last few weeks.  

Good time to send the Overdrive in for an upgrade.  I recommend the simple one.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Hi gang. Sorry. Work has been crazy. Haven’t had a chance to listen to the home system in a month. I’m in a quiet lull and promise to report as soon as the next big thing hits my doors. 
Maybe it was the rest of the system George, but that's what I heard each time I've heard teh Simaudio.  If I have a chance to listen again, I will as long as it's not with similar gear that I've heard it with already. I've never said never about any company as they can always change sound signature.  
It’s fatiguing to me as well as a few others I’m close with. It doesn’t matter what type of dac design George.

I believe I was responding to 1graber2, unless I’m mistaken, but then anything can get some bristling, like they have a "word" trigger, R2R perhaps???
And to describe the SIMAUDIO MOON ECLIPSE as fatiguing is ......well? All I can say is go and have another listen.

Cheers George
I'm very familiar with that cup and to my ear, it was like most of the Sim Audio gear.  It's fatiguing to me as well as a few others I'm close with.  It doesn't matter what type of dac design George.  There are good and bad on all sides and just because you say that it is hard to get anything better for Redbook today, is just a personal choice.  You feel it is and that's great and I'm happy for you.  To many of us it's not even close.  

disclaimer:  I've owned both types of dac architecture and loved them both at the time I've owned them.  

SimAudio was still making high end CDPs that could cull every detail out of a paltry 16/44 CD.

This was an extremely good sounding SimAudio cdp, that used R2R ladder dacs and had a separate power supply, hard to get anything today that can do Redbook that well.



4 x PCM1704-K dacs   DF1704 – PMD100  Philips CD-Pro 2 (VAU1254)

Cheers George

In the early 2000s to 2007 or so, SimAudio was still making high end CDPs that could cull every detail out of a paltry 16/44 CD. I bought some Sim gear around that time, all quality. I mean, they still offer a 20 year warranty. NOBODY else does that TMK.

e.g. the Sim SuperNova CDP, still relevant after all these years. 
Which post was removed?  What happened? LOL...Was the bluejeans post removed because it looked like an ad?  I cna't keep up, lol.

In any case I have enjoyed the Diamond cable from Audioquest, the WW cables (they just make great digital cables (I own their optical one and it's astounding for an optical cable), Steve Nuggents USB cable, the Light Harmonic Matt has is cool and great sounding too.  There are lot's of choices, but it's hard to go wrong with the WireWorld cables on digital transmission.  I know many who love them.  It's teh only non Audioquest cable that's in my system right now.
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I’ve been following this thread from the beginning and finally thought to add my 2 cents worth .
Audiolabyrinth I had owed the PS Audio Direct stream dac senior along with its partner the Direct stream player which finally convinced me leave vinyl .
I want to mention my experience with trying I2s HDMI cables , the supplied PS Audio cable that came with the Direct stream player was quite good and thought to try the cable in my ModWright Oppe 205 for a Rock concert event and plug in a generic HDMI cable I purchased from BlueJeancable.com that was being used in my video gear .
What a surprise, how is it that a $18.00 cable perform so well with the PS Audio components, my favourite music sounded a tad better , could it be a component and cable burn in issue as the PS Audio components were purchased new ,...
Further investigation I found the speaking human voice sounded more human , more realistic then I’ve heard ever before from these old Mark Levinson and Chesky CDs I use sometimes for evaluating .  

 Interesting with further listening over a period of time switching back and forth with PS Audios .supplied I2s cable proved the $18.00 cables merits .
Occasionally speaking with other owners of PS Audio components I never brought this cable comparison up during any conversations however I did end up purchasing the WireWorld Platinum Starlight HDMI cable testimonials from others .
Months later I thought to try that cheap $18.00 cable against one of the very best ,.
The $18.00 cable held its own very well and past along everything the Starlight did however I prefer this $18.00 Tartan cable for its fuller more even sound .
Just like most here I’ve burnt through piles of money chasing better sound however this is just one little thing you can easily check out for yourself purchased from Bluejeancables.com Tartan cable Type CL2 Shielded 28AWG 20276 ,.

aolmrd1241,  Thankyou for your help,  I'm pulling the trigger on the wire world platinum starlight 7  hdmi cable tomorrow,  have it in a few day's ☺
I stack my DS/DMP combo so I use the 12 inch length.From what I gather via David Salz the shorter the length the better for best sound quality from hdmi.So,since I stack,why spend the extra money if not needed. Burn in time? 100-150 hours seems to be the sweet spot...
@ aolmrd1241, Thankyou for a great detailed response,  them traits  is exactly what I'm looking for in a cable.  How long is your cable?, I'm thinking half meter would work, I probably should do the full meter?, so what would be your estimated time of burn in for the cable to fully bloom?
Audiolabyrinth....I cut and pasted my response from someone else who asked my opinion on the PS Audio forums awhile back.I tried a couple PSA cables and did not care for them. So I figured with all the great reviews,I would try the platinum 7. I loved it from the getgo and have never looked back.

“For my system and my tastes, the WW just sounds right. There are no frequency's that stand out one over the other to draw attention to the listening experience, ie; pulling you away from the enjoyment of the music at hand. The body and structure of a good/great recording holds up very,very well. This cable has a wonderful natural/organic characteristic to it...Just right imo.

Details of the bass,mid and treble are killer and with that detail comes the amazing ability to see deeper into a mix with zero etch or bloat that will grow fatiguing after a while. This is a silver wire..but totally lacking in the silver brightness that many dislike.

With that being said…the WW does require some run in time out of the box. The attributes of silver wire [some brightness] do come through in the initial phase of listening, but give it time and things do settle in superbly if I do say so myself. I could not change the WW if I wanted to…its that good! 

And this coming from a hdmi skeptic before hearing and ultimately believing that hdmi cables do make a huge difference… as much as any other cable in your system., maybe even more so.”

aolmrd1241,  That HDMI  cable is exactly what I am leaning towards,  have you auditioned any other cable for this set?, the nordost Valhalla 2 HDMI cable is interesting too, I wonder if Crystal cable makes the absolute dream in HDMI?, can you give some impression's on how the wireworld platinum starlight 7 sound's?, Thankyou for your help. 
audiolabyrinth asked..."Curious, may I ask what you are using for the digital HDMI cable?"

Sure... The Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7. Used between the DS and DMP the music just flows...Nice cable.  
Hi mattnshilp, Thankyou for your post on my behalf,  I apologize to all here by not getting back here sooner,  I have been building a second system,  I put a lot of my building experience into this,  no room for mistakes and sale off and loose money! here is where I'm at,  magico q3 speaker's which I really don't like, but do not hate them to sale them, so,  I put my self up to the challenge to make these speaker's sing like no other q3 speaker's, so I  got the New Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  Tara Lab's muse speaker cable's and interconnect's,  Tara Lab's cobalt power cord,  I moved the furutech gtx-Rhodium duplex receptacle's to this system,  I have the NCF furutech version receptacle's on the main system. So I am now pulling the trigger on the ps audio direct stream memory dac and matching transport,  the cool thing here is the speaker's are 4 ohms, without the new digital,  this sounds phenomenal,  I  have close to 200 hrs burn in,  and the cable's are still getting better,  great match for magico!, I believe this is a fix for the speaker's,  @ aolmrd1241, Currious,  may I ask what you are usein for the digital HDMI cable? 
Hey all. Sorry for the slow going. Work has been crazy and the Memory Player went to Sam for some upgrades. 

Havent even been in my room in weeks. 

Anyone want to post a list of their top 5 songs they use to audition components? I’ll put mine up when I get a chance. 
Matt said "Ricred1- I endeavor to compare apples to apples and try to give all the information I can. You absolutely need to keep price levels in mind and not compare a $4k DAC to a $14k DAC. There are a few excellent performers in each price range. I have heard enough to know there really is no such thing as a “giant killer,” so don’t be fooled. There is no $4k DAC that outperforms the best of the $10k region. There are great $4k dacs that sound better then bad $12k dacs. But no one is going to buy a bad $12k DAC unless it offers something specific that they want.

There are great dacs at every price point. We are very lucky."

Who says folks won't buy that crappy 12k DAC?  Many will buy on price or because someone on the internet told them how great it is (someone who works for said company, lol ;) )....LOL...

sorry, I couldn't help it. ha. Back to the regularly scheduled program.  

Also, I was VERY impressed by Matt's DAC and The Music Server.  What a pair those are.  I have another very close friend who owns both and says the same thing.  It's a great reference and if someone comes up with the next mouse trap that beats those two, then WOW...are we all lucky.
Matt, hopefully you will end up coming across the Playback Designs Dream Series line. Andreas Koch has quite a resume and was involved in getting PS Audio's engineer into FPGA.

The Playback Designs MPS-5 (flagship SACD player) came to market about 10 years ago, but the firmware has been updated numerous times. Additionally, a fully upgraded MPS-5 includes an improved clock generator. I'm of the impression, and not my own personal observation, that the fully upgraded MPS-5 will beat the Merlot DAC. One wouldn't be reaching too far to believe that it may beat the latest DirectStream.

The Dream Series DAC will have MSRP $22,000. Matching SACD transport $15,000. Would be interesting to get your impressions compared with ultra hi-end units you've enjoyed!
Ricred1- I endeavor to compare apples to apples and try to give all the information I can. You absolutely need to keep price levels in mind and not compare a $4k DAC to a $14k DAC. There are a few excellent performers in each price range. I have heard enough to know there really is no such thing as a “giant killer,” so don’t be fooled. There is no $4k DAC that outperforms the best of the $10k region. There are great $4k dacs that sound better then bad $12k dacs. But no one is going to buy a bad $12k DAC unless it offers something specific that they want. 

There are great dacs at every price point. We are very lucky. 

Hi guys. I have not heard a recent iteration of the PS Audio software based DAC. I was not blown away by the version I heard which was several years ago, but I have spoken to people whose ears I trust say that the newer versions are significantly better. And the transport is excellent for the money; so if you need a spinner it’s a no brainer.

They are a solid solid company with good customer support and well built product. It’s also a product that has a good reputation and if/when you want to upgrade you will be able to sell it here without issue (with an obvious $$$ loss).

I also believe they have have a VERY fair audition period. So the risk is negligible.
audiolabyrinth. There are a ton of reviews online in concern of your question. You can also visit the PSA forums for more detailed viewpoints on the DS and DMP. I own them both and they do everything I expect good digital to do.I could afford a more expensive front end...but do not see the need in doing so. Redbook playback is superb and Sacd is the best I have ever heard.
I can't speak for Matt, but please remember he is playing with some very, very expensive DACs and music servers. My personal opinion is you must put components in price categories and how it fits into your system.
Hi Matt, I need some help here,  anyone have impression's on the ps audio direct stream memory dac and matching transport combo?, this is the new flagship they have,  have a deal for a new one on the table, thought I would ask before I make a bad/good move,  Thankyou in advance. 
Thanks Matt.  As you know I totally agree with what you heard.  What surprised me is that tubes are inherently faster than solid state devices.  I was pretty surprised that it didn't sound faster, but like a nice Harbeth, it was really musical.
*** Lampizator Big 7, gen 6 review ***

Ok. So I was treated to a taste of the Lampizator Big 7 generation 6 tube DAC. I had heard a generation 1, and owned a generation 1 Big 6. To say this is a different beast entirely is an understatement!!!  The first iterations were garage built, tube sounding, sort of big and warm and mushy. They offered signs of,” I’m gonna get better.... You just watch and see!” Well I did watch and see, with the current generation of Big 7, a super terrific Golden Gate, and now the Pacific I think these guys have established themselves and are going the distance! 

The case is beautifully built and wiring matches that level of craftsmanship. Detail oriented construction. Switches, plug receptacles and layout on the back are well thought out, stable and hold cables securely. I was a bit surprised at how light it was. With the size of the case, I expected it to be heavier. There is a knob on the back to select between different drive tubes and it’s click is secure and the indicator points directly at the proper label; no question as to what setting it’s on, and no knob jiggling. My version was single ended only. There is no sign of garage built anymore. This is a “manufactured” product. 

I was given a tasting of tubes but was motivated towards the Kronzilla 242’s and a 274b Chinese rectifier tube. After much playing I agreed these were the best of what they sent. As I learned later on, I think a better 274b would have made a difference, but thats ok. I’ll expand on that in the listening comments. 

I am at the point where my expectations for a DAC are not low. In fact, I’m quite demanding to be honest. My current references are world class and I have had many many through my doors. So...... As it was single ended I can’t comment on a direct apples to apples comparison. I don’t have an identical rca interconnect to my xlr; something I will have to rectify. I did use the same power cord. I will say that for a tube DAC the level of resolution and accuracy was impressive. I believe the into to be around $10k based on tubes and outputs. And I found its performance overall comparable to solid state dacs in the same price range. If you want the opportunity to adjust flavor by rolling tubes, this dac is a no brainer! Base was deep and taught, but there was a transitional mid to low base bloom that gave the music a sense of intimacy and warmth that some would definitely consider coloration. Mids and up were correct and engaging. No sign of ringing, sibilants, or exaggerated high frequencies made the performance a long listening session pleasure. I would not call it a detail monster, but what it provided was pleasurable and  I never felt it lacking in that regards. Trailing edges were sustained but not infinitely; Ive heard better at this price but nothing to complain about. Dynamics were punchy and provided impact and scale, while the DAC portrayed a proper sense of pace and rhythm overall. As I listened more, I felt it’s greatest flaw was that it was slow. Leading edges took too long and I felt like I was waiting for the music, if that makes sense. I wondered if that was a byproduct of the quality of the 274b rectifier tube; and Fred (the importer) agreed it may be contributing. I did not have the tube or opportunity to try a better 274b, but I sincerely believe it would be better with better rectification. It could be the power supply as well, or even a mismatch between my Shunyata power cord and the Lampy power supply. Trial and error would tell, but I didn’t have that opportunity. 

The DAC just left and I truly look foreword to Fred visiting in a few weeks with a Pacific DAC. he’s just got to get over his muscle tear. That’s what we old guys get for trying to prove ourselves to our young kids on Fathers Day! We push ourselves, they still win; and we hurt ourselves. Time to pass the baton Fred. Hope you fee better soon. Motrin and heat packs. And listen to some of that great Lampy gear you have!!!

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Guys, I messed up. Saw a lot and wiht the MS, I can forget some details for sure.  It was the Elrod top power cords.  Look like a python swallowing a small animal, lol.
Wow, what a treat.  Finally got to Matt's house (thanks Sam for driving)!  Wonderful room adn system guys.  It was a true treat for a guy like me to enjoy 'guy' time with two close friends and also listen to a serious system.  Got to enjoy time with the Lampy and then his Light Harmonic.  Changing to that Crystal interconnect put the soundstage in better position and just allowed the music to flow much freer.  We talk about cables and who difference they make.  For those doubters you need to go to Matt's house to listen.  

If you don't think even a basic interconnect will make a difference, then I can't take your thoughts seriously anymore, lol.  It was a true component upgrade.  It gave it a soundstage that the other didn't really have.  I get that when I went up in the Audioquest line and have heard similar with other cables.  Not all cables in someone's line will be great and price isn't always the factor.  Silver is HARD to work with (Steve will attest to that I'm sure) and most don't do it correctly.  When it's done right it's a holy cow moment for teh whole system.  

I thought the Lampy was nice sounding.  Not my cuppa, but tube guys seem to have a blast with it and it's a pretty box to boot.  Matt's Davinci took the system to level's above to my ears.  That takes nothing way from the Lampy. I don't know which one it was, nor the cost, but the Davinci lists for much more I'd think.  

My biggest take away is that I can't wait to get my www.thememoryplayer.com. I heard it in two systems yesterday and the last one was with Rockport Lyra's, the large Solution amps and the Behold preamp.  It has the Telos grounding system throughout and the Enklein power cables into the Absolair (Turkey) distributed power boxes. Heck, the master tapes playing on the modded and rebuilt Apex tape deck was SICK.  Also I enjoyed that Kronos TT set up.  

What a great day that turned out to be and the brotherhood of Matt and Sam was the main part of the day.  It was the Federation of the Jewish Audiophile Brotherhood! ;). 

I see your DX sitting there and I will be happy to have mine back from Antipodes today in its new Gen3 form (with the V4X electronics). I am going to set it up this weekend running a short CAT 7 wire from the DX to the latest SOtM ultra triad that will serve as the endpoint (or renderer) then a very short USB from the SOtM tx-USBultra Signal Regenerator into my Pavane Level 3 DAC. That set-up should be sort of like running the CX + EX combo except with the SOtM stuff as the endpoint instead of the EX.  
I still want to try Metrum's Ambre as a ROON endpoint but them not seeming to have ROON certification yet plus no support for Squeezelite/Squeezebox led me to try the SOtM gear first. Metrum keeps upgrading however and now has MQA and I2S modules that are user-installable into my DAC so trying the Ambre as a ROON endpoint with I2S directly into the Pavane is an attractive option. Once they have it all sorted out, I will probably pick up the Ambre and the two modules and compare that set-up with what I will have this weekend using the SOtM gear.

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For what it's worth, I own the Formula and one thing it does not lack is air or detail. Also, I don't have the xHD upgrade yet.
Also, I've heard some of the best DACs (MSB, Aries Cerat, TotalDAC, DCS) and the best I've heard, to my ears is the TD 12.
Hi Matt  
You are spot on about current Lampi built. I have just received a brand new GG2 and the laser engraving on the rear side is a work of art:
Looking forward to your impressions about Big 7 and Pacific. 
Also, very curious about new Antipodes CX + EX combo. Maybe you will have an opportunity to audition them as well. 

I look forward to your review of the Shunmook Giant Diamond Resonators, been interested in these for some time now.
Jrigfy- I 100% agree. As you are all aware, I am obsessed about keeping variables to a minimum. Same interconnects, power cords, vibration isolation, digital interconnects, break in, everything. The only variable should be the actual equipment being compared. On occasion, I get a single ended output only device and have to do the best I can to keep everything as similar as possible. 👍🏻
So glad you got the rack moved back befor the Lampi demos! I hope the XLR adapters don't hamper performance or perception to much. Adapters IME have always added a level of degradation. 
Hey guys. With the help of Sam from Laufer Tecnik I got he drivers up and running for the Lampizator Big 7 DAC. Had a brief issue with one of the sets of tubes crackling quite a bit, but Fred from Lampy USA had generously sent several sets of tubes so a quick swap and I was up and running. Initial impression seam very good, but I’m going to let it run for a few days before I do any critical listening. I had to use a single ended to xlr adapter to hook it up since the DAC has single ended outputs (xlr is an option) and my preamp is xlr only. Once I get a chance to listen (hoping for Wednesday) then I’ll report.

I’m also working on getting in the new Innuos Zenith Statement server to give you guys a report. And I have arranged for the top tier TotalDAC to grace my presence I. July. I’m also working on auditioning the Tidal DAC. Lots in the works. 

And i also owe you guys a review on my Shunmook Giant Diamond Resonators. 

I just moved my rack (yesterday) back to its side position. The front position was a fail.  So it will stay on the side. 

Oh, I’m also expecting my new external power supply for my Memory Player.

Fun things are afoot!!!
VN - I think many would agree with that list. Those 2, and the Lampy Pacific as well as the Tidal DAC, Trinity Select DAC and a few select others. 
For me the top two DACs that I have heard are:

(a) Totaldac Twelve SE (I bought one)

(b) MSB Select II

Both of them are great.
Thanks for posting Ketch.  great stuff and we will catch up later this week. I sent you a message (don't ever see PM on AG.).

Matt, really looking forward to you getting some time for YOU!  I look forward to that, more than the reviews and video's, lol.....
Munich 2018.

New digital transports worth considering from EVO 432, Antipodes CX/EX and EERA.

Aequo loudspeakers were using the new modular Antipodes series CX and EX server/renders fed to the new Mola Mola Tambaqui stand alone dac. The CX/EX combo is said to be better than the DX. The Tambaqui is Roon ready and has both 3.6 jack and balanced headphone connections and at a price point that should seriously challenge DAVE.

The other noteable new dac was the Analog Domain DAC 1.

Rough price guide Antipodes combo about £10k, Mola Mola Tambaqui £9k, Analog Domain DAC1 £18k.

Matt, watched your latest video. Thanks for posting.

So if the sound is not as good with the new set up, the question is what are the reasons? Is it because of an increase in airborne/ structural vibrations or are your power arrangements not as good with this set up? Or all three?

What can be done to reduce these vibrations with this set up and still retain the benefits of shorter cable runs?