I like the Geoff BobbleHead Idea. Just wondering though if they are directional? Should they be facing the amp or facing the speaker? How about standing them on their heads for maximum effect?
About the cheapest cable elevators (for those with empty pockets)
I had left over rebar chairs from a job. I was looking at the diameter of the notch and thought it was about the size of my speaker cables. I'm not sure if I hear any difference but it has a nice look and seems to keep dust from accumulating. Home Depot has them for about $3.50 ea. Statue of Liberty is hard to top though |
Foam pipe insulation. Cut into 2 to 3 inch long pieces. Slit down the side allows you to easily place on cables at any location. I use them to provide physical separation between wires crossing each other but they could easily serve as cable elevators and likely provide a damping benefit too. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Thermwell-Products-P12-4-Pack-3-Ft-Foam-Pre-Slit-Pipe-Insulation/47653574?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1148&adid=22222222227034937320&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=75438735274&wl4=pla-175422721474&wl5=9017277&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=112562587&wl11=online&wl12=47653574&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3Pm_n_Xg4wIVC5-fCh0_lgUsEAQYHSABEgKs8vD_BwE |
What is the dielectric strength of a pool noodle? With it wrapped around your speaker cable it might suck up all of the special magnetic waves traveling to the speakers and make your system sound flat. But this will only happen if you get something from Walmart and it only costs a couple dollars. If some snake oil salesman was selling the same thing for $200+ it would transform your system. PS. You will also need to experiment with different colors and using even or odd numbers of spacers on each side. Let us know which sounds best. ;) |