Abominations: HT processor to tube amps?

I'm just wondering if anyone has tried this?
I recognize that merely speaking of this will send me to hell, but still, I must know.
I run my HT thru a NAD M15 HD into Rogue M-150 monos. It’s absolutely outstanding. I’ve got an Adcom 6 channel amp running bridged center and surrounds (leaving the other two to pick up Atmos once I upgrade the NAD).  My two-channel listening goes thru the analog bypass/7.2 channel input/output, while HT goes via the DSP stages.

The only issue I have has to do with practicality vs. anything sonically. Turning on and off a SS system for HT in a couple of hours is pretty mindless. Add two big tube monos, however, and you have to think of going right into music listening (as the tubes are warm) - vice leaving them on and sucking up electrons, or turning them off to later turn them on to warm them up.
Jealous! I'm planning on getting the m-125 monos eventually. I hope it works out for you. Keep us posted. 
I’m just beginning the process of building several Bob Latino VTA tube amp kits (3 monoblock M-125s for LCR and a stereo ST-120 amp for side surround speakers). I’m using a Marantz AVR as a pre-pro for HT and 5.1 music, and running a separate tube preamp for stereo music listening. As I finish the tube amp kits I’ll be incorporating them to run the 5 main channels and letting the Marantz power the rear and Atmos channels. I may be going to hell for this sacrelige, but until someone makes an all-tube 11.2 channel Dolby Atmos rig and I win a lottery, it’s the closest to heaven I expect my ears will be able to find. I’ll try to remember to post an update here in a few months once I’ve finished integrating the tubes into the system. Hopefully it works out as well in reality as it does in my imagination :-)
Any way you can bring tubes in to the chain is good. If it sounds good, listen. 
Eric, I use a Primare pre-pro into Class D amps, or into an
SET300B. I like how it sounds, but I also use a tube preamp for the SET, w/o the pre-pro.

You must be in the process of downsizing and simplifying your system. I'd say with the right pre-pro, you would be satisfied with the sound, though if you're like me, you probably have many options available to choose from. I would hate to try and pick from what I have, and narrow my choices of what to keep. Hope it works out for the best.

I used to use an Audio Research VT100 for the left/right HT channels (pass through) in my main 2 channel rig. Worked great, but a tad over kill for the installation but my priority has always been 2 channel listening, so I used the gear I had on hand.
@erik_squires, glad you asked the question.  I too have had the thought of doing likewise -- i.e. using a tube amp for L&R in a H/T setup.  So, I am also interested in hearing any good/bad or otherwise comments or experiences....   
I need to have a single system, to the point where I may get rid of all but 2 amplifiers. So I'm toying with the idea of using a receiver for HT, but using tube amps for L&R.
You will most certainly go to hell........perhaps not for this but I am certain there are other more glaring issues....." God Speed "