

Responses from christian

need advise, which is the weakest link in my audio chain
...which is the weakest link in my audio chain? For me (and probably many others) - it’s my ears. 😁 I second the notion of checking your room’s acoustics first, as your setup appears to be very capable. I had solved a confusing "smeariness" on... 
Bass only when I stand up…
@johnread57, very glad you got this worked out! Enjoy!  
Hearing Aids in 2023 .. Questions
I’ve been using Signia’s for the past 5 years or so and they’re a game changer. Absolute necessity in the office, and when I take them off for the day, it feels like jabbing a pair of cotton balls in my noggin. Love their flexibility and sound qua... 
Bass only when I stand up…
Bass traps in the corners will remove mudiness in the bass notes but they are not a cure for no bass. Ie. Bass traps don’t make more bass, they make the bass you have better. Absolutely agree, except in the case if the OP has to work in the "co... 
Bass only when I stand up…
Standing waves and null zones.  Only way to really solve is experiment with placement (speakers and listening position), and then augment with bass traps.  Analyzing using REW or the like will help in a more efficient journey towards a solution, a... 
Speaker Cable Question
Doesn't matter, but like @holmz said - sticking with the same brand is an easier decision.  
What amps are out there that are Class A, 50 wpc into 8 ohms?
Oops - @zimmer266 beat me to it! 😁 There’s a few Plinius that would fill the bill.  
What amps are out there that are Class A, 50 wpc into 8 ohms?
Plinius SA-series.  
8-10k budget suggestions please
'Grats, OP - you should love the Krell, and it may very well last you the 30 years you expect.  I'm not an "all-in" cable type of guy, so I'll defer to others who have stronger opinions on how to string up your components...  
8-10k budget suggestions please
@asmithkash - what music (2 channel) do you listen to?  And at what volume level (minding the size of your listening room)?  
That funky sticky remote
Easiest, and what worked for me on a gaming headset's amplifier, is to use isopropyl alcohol, a clean rag, and some patience.  Gets that sticky stuff off in a hurry!  Be careful, though - and warned that what you're left with will be a very smooth... 
Valve amplification vs Pass labs
Pass is a pretty easy brand to get home trials of in the US. I'm looking this up right now (unbeknownst to the better half! 😉); thanks!  
Valve amplification vs Pass labs
On a pair of Rogue monos myself (coming from an Aragon 4004(II)), and have always been curious about the Class A power houses (Pass, plus the likes of Plinius, Krell, Luxman, etc.).  Subscribed.  
Cables from amp to preamp or longer speaker cables…
Long interconnect/short speaker and short interconnect/long speaker - I’ve run both, and really haven’t been able to really tell a difference between either configuration. And this was with single ended RCA interconnects. I was lucky to have prett... 
Why does pulling out main speakers from wall improve sound?
The brain can judge distance from sound specifically its reflections, speakers close to a wall create reflections very close in the time domain to the original sound this means your brain ’knows’ this is a small space. Speakers further in the roo...