A new Question: Moving Magnet Cartridge To Compliment My Rock Collection

I am looking for a MM cartridge to work well with my VPI Prime Turntable with the 3D arm and to compliment my large Rock collection.  Presently I have a ZU/Denon DL103 MC cartridge with a bent canteliver.  I will be sending it to Soundsmith for repair and keep it as a spare.  My Rogue tube preamp accepts MC and MM cartridges.  I want to keep this in the 500-600 range new and cheaper if used.  Recommendations and why?
Have used the Ortofon 2M Black on my Classic w/3D arm with fine results.  Classic rock, hard rock, and country all sound great.  Mega detail without fatigue. 
Thanks but the Ortofon Black is way out of my price range, I am looking at 500-600 at most.
I’ve been reading about Hana cartridges, but they are MC.

I'm specifically interested in their less expensive high output model (2.0 mV) that retails for $475.

It's said to have a slightly forward presentation, which a good thing on my old Thorens/SME combo.

I am wondering about the new MoFi ultra tracker mm cartridge.  I believe it is 500.00 new.  There isn't too much information out there on these new cartridges.  I wonder if they are  all the same cartridge, just different stylus tips?
Goldring 1042. Why? Because I myself use it with Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm. It does jazzrock like hell. If it works with your arm. Get it from the UK - analogueseduction.net or the US - lpgear.com. Nagaoka 500 should be great too, probably a bit more refined and smooth.
London Gold. Very dynamic, lots of bass, somewhat "forward" sounding (I prefer to think of it as immediacy and presence), high output (5mV !), great for Rock ’n’ Roll.
The only MM I have and it sounds great with rock, blues, sole and jazz on my 3D arm is an old school Grace F9 Ruby.
@tooblue you know that you can easily edit your post 15 min after it was published? 

@stereo5  Cartridge can't recognize the genge of music you're playing on, really good cartridge plays all king of music. If your music it too complicated you need high compliance cartridge (most likely) and at least Shibata/LineContact stylus tip. Rock music is not too complicated like the big band jazz for example. When you will get your low compliance 103 re-tipped and upgraded (with a better stylus profile) back from SoundSmith you will realize the disadvantages of the conical stylus you've been using before. To beat the SS re-tipped Denon you need a proper MM cartridge if you want to try something different. Look for the used JVC Victor X-1II or new Garrott P77i within your budged. Or read MM thread for more options (but it can bee too much new information). 

If you're a fan of the Denon stock sound with conical tip then try vintage DL-107 which you can find for peanuts with broken cantilever, i have NOS (still factory sealed) stylus for this cartridge. Denon DL-107 was MM alternatilve to the 103. It was made for NHK studio broadcast in Japan.     
I heard from someone I trust that the Mo-Fi MM carts are excellent for the money. From personal experience, the Charisma Denon 103 would fit the bill. Does Rock very well. Perhaps it would come down to best synergy with your arm.
I bought a Gold Note Vasari Black from the Canadian distributor a few months ago for less than $400 and my tastes are the same as yours. It's an incredible producer for the Stones, Eagles, Neil Young (in any decade), Fleet Foxes, LZ, Cream, Mellencamp, Bread (!), and Linda Ronstadt's entire collection, too.
I have Mc gear driving old school JBL 4311s and new school Audiovector QR1s . No complaints from either!
See Tone Audio review page 110 from February 9 https://www.tonepublications.com/MAGPDF/TA_082.pdf  
Can you tell me the name or web site of the Canadian distributor for the Gold Note please?
My local "audio salon" cartridge expert dude recommended an inexpensive Sumiko Pearl a few years ago as an interim solution until I could decide which more precious cartridge I wanted to eventually try (Linn Akito arm). I had been listening to an annoyingly bright (in my system anyway) AT440 that I sold quickly, and the Pearl sounded a LOT better…years pass and I not only love the tone of the Pearl, I bought a re-tip for it. Still, an utter bargain only suffering from credibility issues due to its low cost. 


I found the name of the distributor,  Tri-Cell Enterprises for the Gold Note Cartridge.  I   received email from them asking me to call tomorrow and I can order directly from them.  I will be doing just that.

Thank you very much for the tip.  I had never heard  of this company before and the price is certainly right.

Apologies for not including TriCell's name and number. I was being distracted by Hell Freezes Over. (Greg at TriCell was very helpful and patient, just like Ryan at Audio Classics.)

I am going to disagree with 2m series recommendations.  They are very nice for classical, acoustic type stuff but not for classic rock.  A little light in the bass just like the older OM series.  You can't go wrong with one of the vintage Shures for classic rock.


I ordered the Gold Note Vasari Gold cartridge from Greg. The price went up on these as it was 500 Canadian and 417.00 USD shipped. I will be receiving it next Tuesday. Really looking forward to it.

My record collection is 95% rock. Classic and other. I have always loved Goldring 1022 gx. Even better than the more expensive 1042. It has plenty of grunt for rock. Higher output, slight warmth that emphasizes the bass region a little, and a gorgeous midrange. Also a smooth , detailed top end. I have used it on a VPI Scout. Loved it.
Have you thought about a cartridge from Soundsmith?  I have been very pleased with my Otello, which retails around $400, I believe.  I have it on a Rega RP8 and play similar types of music as you.

Many really good choices out there, good luck with your decision.
I ordered a Gold Note Vasari Gold MM cartridge from the Canadian distributor, should arrive Tuesday.
I can agree with the Grace9Ruby recommendation.  I used one for years and it does well on pop and rock.  Getting one in good condition nowadays might be an issue.
I received the Gold Note Vasari Gold cartridge and spent over 2 hours setting it up on my Prime turntable.  So far, it sounds great right out of the box.  When I get more time I will spin more records.  Unfortunately, my wife was in an accident and is permanently parked on the couch for a week or two while all her bruises heal :(  You guessed it, the Prime is in the same room.