2008 RMAF – – – all things analog.

I have two questions/comments on the 2008 RMAF below.

1) First thing…

Who’s Going?

I’m going for my second consecutive year. I enjoyed last year a great deal. I had wonderful discussions with analog types like Thom Mackris, Alvin Lloyd, Jeff Cantalono/Thomas Woschnik, and Frank Schroeder. I had time with my own LPs on all of their tables as well as quite a few others. I’m looking forward to this coming year as well.

If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

2) Second thing…

Any suggested Table, Cartridge, Arms to pay particular attention to?

Again, If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

No remote on my Triplanar chez Galibier either, Doug, but know that Ralph's electronics will also be in our suite (1130) this year.

* Galibier Gavia (Stelvio Platter) / Triplanar / XV-1s
* Atma-sphere MP-3 preamp
* Atma-sphere MP-60 amps
* Classic Audio T-3 speakers

I'll have Yip's MintLP protractor on display for those of you who are curious about it.

We're planning something a bit different from the stodgy old type of room, as my buddy Al Helo (Lee Island Audio) and I will be co-exhibiting. Our number 1 goal is to have fun, because if we can't have any, we don't know how we can expect anyone else to do so.

Sure, we run the risk of offending some with music that is other than pristinely recorded and typical of shows, but you know what? If I hear Patricia Barber one more time I'll ...

The theme will be that of a radio station. We'll be blocking time on Saturday for different types of music, so you can plan on bringing your tunes in at the appropriate hour (e.g. Saturday morning bluegrass, aftenoon Baroque, etc.). As soon as we hash out the schedule, I'll publish it on the website.

As you can guess from above, there will **NOT** be an audiophile hour. The last time I checked, audiophile is not a genre of music.

Thom @ Galibier
The Meet and Greet sound good.

Hopefully I'm able to stop by Saturday. If not, I'll definitely be in Thom's room later that evening.


RMAF....Meet & Greet
Rest your Ears, Put faces to the Audiogon screen names you have come to know and love and get a chance to meet some new friends, and enjoy a drink or two or three.

We will be providing Free Name Tags and a Sharpie, you just have to pay for your drinks and be able to write legibly.

We have organized a Happy Hour at Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant on both Friday and Saturday evenings from 6 – 7:30 PM (just after the RMAF show closes each night). Garcia’s is kindly offering us a Happy Hour with Two for One Drinks (..limit of 20 drinks per person).

Garcia’s is located directly across the street from the front entrance & parking lot and of the Marriott Tech Center (where the convention is being held).

Looking forward to seeing you all !

Cello (Larry Howkins) & Vetterone (Steve Dobbins)
Hey Darren

I will see you at Jeff's room. I am very excited about attending this show. I have been wanting to go for too long.

Very true unless you are neurotic perfectionist like myself who should be happy but is always looking for more. I need to get off this merry go round. Only 1 more show to do after Rocky Mountain. CES in a few years.
Dagd ,I dont have to go to Denver to hear great gear.
I just have to get to your house and listen.
I'll be at Jeffrey's Loft when he returns to listen to his new stuff
ALL- Enjoy the show
I'll be there. Maybe with a camera or maybe not. I have a few things I very much want to hear. I will be hanging out w. High Water sound a bit and listening to some horns and "new technology" speakers.

On to the comment of the My Sonic Lab Eminent above. The Air Tight PC-1 is very close in sound, and maybe a little bit better. They are almost he same cartridge. There is a new My Sonic Labs Hypereminent that is out on the market as well. I want to hear the strain guage this time. It was not working in Munich this past May. We might be doing some cartridge shootouts in the Highwater Sound/ TW Acustics room if time permits or at night. I have a cartridge specially prepared for me to pick up at the show. It should be interesting.
I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday. It would be great to meet some of you guys.
Larry Diaz, your photos are great, and the only solace for those of us who can't attend. Thank you!!!

Could everyone of you attending the show use this thread to give live reports for all of us who cannot be there, that would be great !
Thank you in advance and have fun !!!
Miguel & Larry, Hope to see you at RMAF.

Win, Your table looks interesting. What cartridge will you be running?

Of course, Tektron is the proper way to spell the name of the amps. (It's been a long day.)

Unfortunately, it is not a matter of planning. I can be on a plane tomorrow. But, alas, my wife just can't get enough time off at this time of year to make the trip worth while.

I hope all of you heading out to RMAF have a really great time and raise a few glasses for me. Please be sure to take lots of pictures of all you guys. The heck with the gear, Albert has that covered. :-)

Room 464 is? Are you showing? If so, what is going to be in the room?"


I will be there with my turntable, Saskia. It will have the Schroeder Reference tonearm, so Frank will be in and out. Also, Johnathan Weiss will have his speakers there, and he and I will work the room together. Wire will be Cris Kline's Tel-Wire. Amps will be provided by Techtron, as I understand.

I hope to see you!

Hi Thom,

I'm happy that you will at least be able to show the controller in the after-hours gathering. I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs on another table/motor combo other than my own.


Yes, I'll be at the Saturday after-hours session. Last year that was one of the highlights on my time in Denver.

Darrell, FrankC, Mike, Doug, Paul, Ralph, Slipknot & co., Hope to see you all there.

Dan, hopefully one of these days we will get to meet. I think you should plan for next year now...

Hello from Tripoint,
I'll be in room 538 at the Marriott. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you. Looking forward to seeing all the rooms.

Tripoint Audio
Miguel Alvarez
Lost of responses...


Room 464 is? Are you showing? If so, what is going to be in the room?

Tom (Slowhand),

Hope to actually see you this year. Last year was weird. I still can't believe I didn't see you at all the entire time I was there. At least this year, it's garenteed we will see each other. If not, no more jel pads for you! Yes, it's me. Dre


Maybe this year you won't be surrounded by audiophiles and I won't be so focused on getting to the many rooms filled with analog.


I know you and Paul will probably represent me better than I could myself. ;-) I just really hate to miss a party!
Don't worry Dan, you'll be represented.

Just Fedex me two key lime pies and I'll share them around!!!

If you can tweak that remote so it operates the TriPlanar, I'm in!
I'll be there on the main floor in the Evergreen Ballroom, like last year. We are showing with Tri-Planar. We finally have a remote for the MP-1 too...

Looking forward to seeing so many friends again!

To anyone who may not know: the RMAF is the most fun audio show in the US. Very low-key, relaxed atmosphere and its cheap for the manufacturers so you will see stuff there that you will not see at CES or the like. I've been doing shows since 1989, and I have to admit that they get old, but I'm always looking forward to the RMAF because it is so fun! Al and Marjorie really put on a good show.
I'll be there, along with Trelja, and several others from our Listening Group including Badboss429. My oldest (23 yo son) will be his first RMAF. He and I are driving from the East Coast, making it into the Great American Road Trip...
Paul and I will be there, our first RMAF and we're looking forward to meeting some of the people we share with via the internet and email.
i'll be there with my eyes and ears open.....paying particular attention to all things analog....tt's and RTR.
I'm going! It would be worth the trip if I find an analog rig using the MySonicLab Eminent cartridge. It's on HP's Editor's Choice list in the latest TAS, but there wasn't too much discreption.

I learned about this cartridge when I was working in London a couple of years ago. The cartridge came from Japan, but was gaining a lot of press and popularity in Europe. I did a little research and found that it had also garnered quite a bit of prestige in the Japanese press as well for the past few years.

And, of course, the recently revised Graham Phantom arm!

10-02-08: Albertporter
I'll be walking around with a big camera, covering as much as possible.

I'm looking forward to all the rooms, I make it a point to have a good time at RMAF and I'm never disappointed. Love seeing the people, even when a room could be better.

Hope to see you there, don't be afraid to walk up and say hello.

Hi Albert,

I am a photographer as well, and planned on bringing my camera. I glad I won't be the only one walking around with a big camera.

I plan to spend a lot of time in the Analog and 2-CH areas.

Hi Dre,

I'm also going to the RMAF. I'll keep an eye for you. Are you going to the Galibier Saturday after-hours session?

Hi Dre,

This morning, I received permission from the designer to showcase his AC motor controller. I learned this after you and I spoke yesterday.

This will be in the after hours session on Saturday night. During normal show hours, our tried & true legacy (DC) controller will be in use.

The controller is by no means ready for prime time, and motor selection will take quite a bit of time, as will shaking out the final design. At the end of the day, we may stick with DC, but there's only one way to find out.

These Saturday night (after show hours) sessions are intended for us to let our hair down ... get out of "show mode" and actually have some fun.

Same room as always (top floor in the Marriott - Suite 1130, along with being next door in the Lowther room - 1128).

Thom @ Galibier
I'll be walking around with a big camera, covering as much as possible.

I'm looking forward to all the rooms, I make it a point to have a good time at RMAF and I'm never disappointed. Love seeing the people, even when a room could be better.

Hope to see you there, don't be afraid to walk up and say hello.
HI Dre,

I really enjoy analog too. Sounds like we would get along great. I hope to see you at the Audio Fest.
