If you want mids, NOS Mullards have the mid-range-to-die-for-reputation. I imagine older 12AX7 have higher-microphony issues. Thoughts?
12AX7 tubes for the phono stage of VAC Avatar SE integrated.
What would you choose ? Say, up to $500 for a NOS closely matched pair ?
Currently have Brimar military and don't like them. They are primitive and have recessed midrange.
I have Mullard long plates from 50s in the line preamp, RCA black plates from 50s in the driver and Mullard XF2 power tubes.
I was thinking same Mullard or RCA black plates but there might be something better to try.
Shuguang Black Treasure 12AX7LS from Grant Fidelity
@inna That’s a bummer. I’ve used scores of different ax7 tubes and these are the best to these ears. Anyhow, I’m not sure why you’re fizzling around with Mullards and their recessed highs and dull warmth, and RCA black plates with their constricted and strident upper mids when you can get Telefunkens which are neutral, open, transparent, and detailed. |
Let's limit it to NOS only. By the way, VAC's designer did recommend the original 12AX7 Chinese tubes that he put in there. He's got spares, you can get those tubes from VAC. I wouldn't listen. However, for 12AU7 driver tubes he suggested I experiment a lot, though he said his preference was vintage Sylvania and Brimar, especially Sylvania. He said he was not a fan of RCA black plates because they might sound a little dark for his taste. They sound fine for my taste. And for power tubes he said vintage Mullards, and that's exactly what I just got. |
wharfy, yes, I know, I bought tubes from Brent of Audio Tubes. He is very good, and pleasure to deal with. Replies to emails on Saturday and Sunday. I might talk to him about it later as well but first I would like to hear what audiophiles think. Besides, he is currently out of stock of reasonably priced Mullards. RCAs and Amperexes are available. |
tomcy6, yes. Perhaps I could order a pair of Amperex from Brent and give them a try. I would have to burn them in for 100 hours, and if I don't like them enough send them back. That would cost me 20% of their price plus shipping both ways, which would be a little over$100 in worst case. Not a big problem if there is no other way. |
I read extensively on another forum where guys talk in details about tubes for their amps and it is now more or less clear to me. In my amp and for my taste it's Mullard. Amperex long plates and Raytheon black plates would be bright, regardless of their strong points, and RCA black plates would be a bit too thick. Sylvania long black plates have exceptional clarity and tonal balance but they can be microphonic and they lack the sophistication and depth of Mullards. |
Your query got me to look through my signal tube stash. In a box labeled 12AX7 is a pair of NOS Matsushita, black plates, that were manufactured using Mullard tube tooling equipment. I bought these from Brent Jesse at his recommendation. He also recommended Japanese manufactured 12AD7 because they are low noise tubes, used for recording. I didn't pursue it even though it had the same specs as 12AX7. |