12AT7 / 12AU7

Which brands are known for having more of a syrupy/airy/atmospheric sound?


I'm not sure what you mean, syrupy and airy are kind of opposites.  My favorite 12AU7 variant is the Amperex 7316.

+1  They can't be those three things simultaneously.  +1  Best 12AU7's I've encountered are NOS Amperex 7316pq.

@shtinkydog Here are links to Brent Jessee’s website for both tube types, he offers impressions that may help you hone in on tubes that might suit your taste





Check out dBtubes.com in Canada.   I bought some NOS JAN GE 6688 tubes and they were cheap.   They have many 12at7 and 12au7 for reasonable prices.   They are a good value compared to 12ax7 NOS .   About 1/10  the price as holy grail 12ax7 nos.

The Telefunken 12au7’s fit your description very well.

‘On my system they sound better than Amperex.

I have a vintage re-capped Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp along with a Benchmark AB2 Amplifier.

I just ordered a matched pair of AU7’s from Brent Jesse for $250 a few minutes ago .

The Telefunken 12AU7's / ECC82's are going to be a little more, errr, analytical than the Amperexes.  Installed in an older C-J preamp, I can see a good balance being achieved.  Less so in a modern preamp that is less warm.

With all due respect, in my head to head comparison with the Telefunken and Amperex, the Telefunken was sweeter. YMMD.


Mine definitely does. Telefunken 12AU7s sound drab in my BHK preamp while Amperex 7316s sparkle.  It just confirms that there are no absolutes in audio.