
Responses from zd542

Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system
"Without published specs, how does anyone know the dimensionality of an amp unless they take the word of someone is selling it?"What specs do you look at to find the dimensionality of an amp? 
Cables more hype than value?
"However, He did say the cheaper cd players and a couple of the cheap pre-amps have hard wired tubes!, mmmmm."That's incredible. Hard wire tubes? At some point they are going to go bad and will need to be replaced. Makes no sense.Bo1972,I enjoyed ... 
Will I hear differences between 8TC and 12TC?
If you didn't see, I gave you an answer but it was on your other thread. I didn't see this one until after I posted. 
Rhea vs Pass XP-15
One's tube and the other is SS. 
Blindly deafly? bought Purple Flare cables...
"My only concern / curiosity is that I am "starving" or "short changing" the woofer by splitting up the 8TC through internal bi-wiring, and adversely affecting the sound because of it.I may look into "renting" an internally biwired 12TC from The C... 
Best speaker that Proac ever made
"I currently have a pair of Response 2.5 with Quicksilver V4 amps and it is a very good combination in my room."That's the best amp(s) I've ever heard with the 2.5's. Its an incredible combo. I had a VT-100, also a great match but not as good as t... 
Cables more hype than value?
He's right about Naim. People usually buy Naim for some of the other qualities it has, but not for imaging. 
cd player not reading a disc? Laser dirty?
I think its all going to depend on what kind of transport the unit has. I can't see the problem being anything else. It sounds like the laser may be dirty, as you suspect, or possibly something to do with the tray itself. Given the fact that you s... 
Power amp suggestions for Peachtree & Triangle
"Have my eye on a PS Audio HCA-2 but would 150W be too much?"I suggest you listen to that amp before you buy it. 
Solid State Amp repair in NYC area?
"Stereo Exchange is a retail shop they don't do repairs."Then what do you call the room downstairs where they fix equipment? 
Does Passive Bi amping reduces IMD InterModulation
I'm not sure if you are talking about double biwiring (2 separate sets of speaker cables) or vertical biamping. Either way, a good source of info is Vandersteen's web site. Even if you read through some of the owners manuals, both of those issues ... 
Principles of audiophile cable construction?
"Having a science and product development background I have some opinions on what should be guiding principles of cable design but am not familiar with any site that is a good reference. Ultimately I feel the audiophile cable industry needs the eq... 
Solid State Amp repair in NYC area?
Stereo Exchange. 
Best speaker that Proac ever made
Either the 2.5's or the Future 1's. I all fairness, though, I haven't heard every speaker they ever made. 
speaker cable for aerial 7b and mac 402?
What preamp do you have?