
Responses from zd542

Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
Ayre V-5. But it will work best for what you are asking if you remove your dac and preamp. Keep your CD player and put something like a K-5 or Calypso in between them. 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
Wilson Cubs. I like them better than the Duette's 
Low frequency problem while playing vinyl
Were you using the same phono cart with both TT's? 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
"09-12-13: Buconero117ProAc 1SC's"I was going to recommend those also but I didn't think they were expensive enough. 
High Ceiling Room Treatment Help
Sometimes you can have too much acoustic treatments. In your situation maybe you can hang something from the ceiling like a rug or tapestry. A few of those will probably take care of the echo and save you some money as well. 
Aesthetix Calypso getting hot on the left side
"The heat comes from the capacitors or the tranzistor on the left side of the common board (just on the left of the power cord groove)."Are the ones in your unit red or yellow? 
preamp into integrated amp yes/no?
Elizabeth"Reading comments by folks who have never tried it.. Well they do not know if it will sound good or not.Only the op can try it and see if it sounds better , to him.As for problems, no. No problem electrically doing it."What comments by pe... 
McCormack RLD-1 v. Mcintosh C2200
A passive preamp is a preamp with no amp. It has a volume control and one or more source inputs. It doesn't get plugged into an outlet (unless you have a remote). The amps in your sources are what drives the signal to your amp. There's no other ac... 
McCormack RLD-1 v. Mcintosh C2200
Don't skimp on a preamp. There's no easier way to mess up a system. SS or tube is OK. Just make sure you get a good one and that it matches well with the components you already have. If you can't afford the one you need, you may want to consider u... 
Age Related Hearing problems and hearing aids
That's a very interesting post. If you don't mind me asking, was your hearing issue only when you were listening to your system, or did you have problems listening to live music, as well? 
Aerial 7T/6 vs Vandersteen Quatro/Treo/2Ce Sig II
JonnyR,Thanks for the compliment. I have a great deal of respect for you and your store. I'll definitely stop by and listen to the new CT.Knghifi,"I have 2 friends using Vandersteen 2's and every time I listen to them, I want to rip the sock out o... 
preamp into integrated amp yes/no?
None whatsoever. 
Best Speakers for 10' x 12' room?
I have a pair of Cub's that work very well in a small room. I can't imagine someone picking the 805d's over them. To be fair, though, I don't like B&W speakers. Also, I don't think the Duette's are worth the money.Another speaker you may like,... 
Digital recordings on Vinyl
"I've generally tried to avoid it but now I'm weighing the difference between getting a really good dac or just just getting the vinyl cuts and playing it on my awesome analog rig. You?"That's a really good question. I'm surprised more people don'... 
Budget cable chaos??? Is River Cable the new star?
Sunnyjim,Your last post provided some very useful info. Up until this point, you didn't appear to be very clear as to what the problems in your system are. Everything was just too general. The info on your amp and CD player is great. You know what...