

Responses from zavato

Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Daveyf-Did you do the motor and sub chassis at the same time?I'm curious about your impressions of the sub chassis 
Best XLR IC's for around $300/pair?
Definitely consider the Mogami 2534. I bought a 6 foot pair, terminated in Neutrik XLR's and paid $90! If your equipment is truly balanced and doesn't use a pseudo balanced circuit, you may be very pleased. It's been pointed out on other threads b... 
Analysis Plus oval 9 New v Old
AP Oval 9 is a copper cable- 
Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??
The best pre-amp I have ever owned was a CJ 17LS2. You should easily be able to find one in your price range. 
Need recomended wire for amplifier mod.
Also try Parts Conexion. Michael Percey gets a thumbs up tooI recently bought some Neotech OCC for a DIY project and am pleased with the results 
Let's play the "what if" game
Well, the vacation's out. Lawyer needs another $3500 pronto . 
Thoughts on my Sim Moon 260D CD player
The 260d is indeed a very open sounding player and something of a sleeper in the audio world. Maybe it's not expensive enough 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Wow, this little question I asked got way off track. So I'll list some more things that have been a disappointment, now that I have had more time to think about is.My first pair of B&W speakers, a total disaster. Years later I bought a pair of... 
Worth doing upgrades to my W4S DAC-1?
Anyone notice that the Femto clock upgrade alone now is $275? When I sent my Dac1 in, the clock upgrade was $150 and the capacitor upgrade was $150, for a $300 total plus shipping. Holy cow, glad I got in under the wire. 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Best response yet "my ex-wife" Comparing my soon to be ex, I suppose the Nait 3 I briefly owned was better  
old Audioquest cables review
I had a set of Midnight cables for many years. Bought them from an AQ dealer so I know they were the real deal. I thought they were excellent. Can't comment on long term integrity, but when they worked, they were to my liking. 
Worth doing upgrades to my W4S DAC-1?
I did it and it's a home run- and the folks at W4S are first rate too. 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
The SACD 1000 was likely the single most unreliable piece of hi fi in the last 25 years. 100% eventual failure rate and no available repair. I have a Mitsubishi TV in my basement, bought in 86, that just won't die. 
Let's play the "what if" game
I can go loud enough- no need for 500 wpc. Right now at my listening couch I can get music to over 105 dB but I really have no interest in that any longer. Did the dedicated line- 10 awg home run, years ago. That was a solid thing to do. Using a W... 
Analysis Plus oval 9 New v Old
I have the new version of Oval 9's. Never heard the original version, but I know the wire itself is identical. I'm finding this to be a great cable. Not forward at all but note I had been using Nordost.I also used AP IC's. The Solos are quite good...