

Responses from zavato

Best Integrated, period.
A friend has an ARS Emitter I Exclusive which is also quite good. Not the typical German hifi, all strident and bright. I would not call it lush, but rather extremely neutral. It's almost certainly more transparent than is my INT-150 which tends t... 
Best XLR IC's for around $300/pair?
You can also typically pick up a set of Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II's for about $200 a pair in XLR's. Quite a nice cable. 
Analysis Plus oval 9 New v Old
Agreed, they are not bright and required very little break in, in my system, to sound excellent. When I first hooked them up they sounded muddled and constricted. Within a day or so, that was done with. 
Anyone tighten up drivers occasionally
Well, it's been about a year since I last tightened up the screws holding my drivers in place. Out of curiosity I checked the speakers 2 days ago. Woofers screws were tight, tweeter screws were tight, and midrange screws, just about all took a 1/1... 
Phono Amp to replace Pass Aleph Ono
LP12/LIngo/Ekos/Arkiv BA friend is using the XP 15 with an Oracle table, SME IV arm, and a Benz cartridge. He likes his xp15 too 
"Holographic" presentation
Damn, I used to own a CJ 17LS2. I guess I should have read the manual. There was that pass through feature I never tried, but I thought it was a home theater feature. 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
"I had Axis and LP12 Valhalla and actually preferred the cheaper table. It was tidier cleaner and had less wooly bass, something the higher Linns also do better. I also liked the Linn Basik"Agree about the Axis v. Valhalla. I preferred the Rega Pl... 
cables vs wire?
I'll second Blue Jeans. Great way to dip you toes into the water without spending big money 
"Holographic" presentation
What brand was that? A buddy today just asked for an amp recommendation that did pornography well. 
"Holographic" presentation
Krell KRS-1 Mono Block preamp, where the control section and power supply are in their own chassis as well, resulting in 4 separate boxes. A neighbor has one. As far as whether monoblock configuration is more relavant in an amp, whi knows. Some mi... 
"Holographic" presentation
Here's a question- what good are dual mono amps when you are using a stereo preamp?My experience has been that as long as there is very good stereo separation, and the media contains the spatial cues necessary, you can get the holographic illusion... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Miles Davis- Bags Groove 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
What a thread! 
How loud is loud?
It's about 10 feet, and yes, 95dB is plenty loud 
Phono Amp to replace Pass Aleph Ono
FWIW I recently sold my Aleph Ono and bought an XP15. Clearly cut from the same cloth but the XP15 is quieter and I think overall a nicer phono preamp.