

Responses from zavato

Radio Signal interference
Use snap on ferrite chokes to get rid of RFI 
Preamp with Tuner
What I will say is that a great tuner with a fair antenna is a worse choice than is a fair tuner with a great antenna. I also discovered that some tuners are very sensitive to RF radiation and that LED bulbs can be huge RF polluters. Fortunately, ... 
Preamp with Tuner
The Tuner-Preamp was never a wildly popular item. I owned an Adcom GTP 500II which was nice.  
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
I went from Nordost Super Flatlines to Analysis Plus Oval 9's. Not subtle.  
Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty
I think tube amps and ss amps tend generally to have different bass quality. If you did a frequency response check, I doubt that a steady state frequency response check would show much difference.But dynamically, there is a tremendous difference i... 
Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated
XP20; few reasons. The '20 has a way about it that the '10 doesn't quite have. Perhaps it's the more robust power supply. I would call it better micro dynamics. Having a tape loop was a plus for me too.  
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
John Routan is a class act. I was there last year or so. We were listening to some stuff and I realized my meter was running out. I was going to go out to throw another coin in the meter. John told me not to go- he said I probably won't get a tick... 
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
I am little late in following up but here's two examples of what I personally know occurred at the shop long out of business. A friend, now deceased, bought a lot of gear at the shop. Apogee speakers, Peaurreaux amplification, Denon CD player whic... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
John Lewis- The Wonderful World of Jazz 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
Listening to my Pass X250.8 amp right now. Best amp I've ever owned. The preamp is a Pass XP-20. A superb match with the Pass amp, but it's key to use balanced cables between the 2.Years back I had a CJ MV60SE and LS172. The Pass gear is better in... 
Apartment Dweller's Paradise - The Ideal 2 ch. system?
I think someone in an apartment should seriously consider a high quality headphone and headphone amplifier combination.  
Shure Audio Obstacle Course Records
My brother in law has the Era II, along with an ancient Dual with his V15 Type II cartridge. All of which he bought in the late 60's.  
Speaker cables if your amp isn't between your speakers
For years I had the amp off to the side. Bought equal length cables. I figured that if I ever wanted to sell the cables, equal length was the way to go 
McIntosh MR78 upgrades?
So I heard from the folks that I brought my MR78 to for recapping. They advise that some of the caps inside are just a few years old, and some are original. Apparently someone tinkered around inside several years back. I'm told the work was neat a... 
Thoughts on my Sim Moon 260D CD player
Of the transports you list I've only heard the neo 260d which is excellent and is what I presently have I'm using it with a Bricasti M1 DAC and am thrilled by my digital playback. Best CD playback I ever had in my home