

Responses from zavato

How many turntable’s have you owned?
BSR 20BPKenwood KD1033Onkyo something??Thorens 166 Mk IVRega Planar 3Linn LP 12Plus, the following that I just dabbled with and owned a short time- AR XAPhilips GA312Luxman something?? 
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio?
First time I heard a pair of Magnepans a  
Any other lone audiophiles here?
I’m pretty fortunate- I have 3 active audio buddies within 15 minutes of me. People come to my place and I’ve gone to my friends’ homes too to listen. For 3 out of the 4 of us, our systems have been unchanged in years. There’s also another local m... 
What is the life of a Grado Wood cartridge?
Cartridge life can be considerable- my Linn Arkiv B, which I bought in the early 2000's, and gets maybe an hour or 2 playing time a week, is still going strong.  
Speakers better than Revel Salon 2
Yes, the Salon 2’s have been around a very long time- but they were and remain excellent  
Where to go from XP-15? XP-17? XP-25?
Thanks- I like the dynamics of my XP-15 but I do think the noise floor could be lower, but then again I am using fairly high gain, as I have a low output MC cartThe folks at Pass and Mark at Reno have always been super helpful to me- 
Where to go from XP-15? XP-17? XP-25?
Curious- what if anything have you learned are the benefits of an XP-17 over the XP-15? An XP-15 owner here is curious- While I very much like my XP-15 . . . but, you know-  
Bricasti M3
No experience with the M3 but I have an M1 and can state that Bricasti is a great company to deal with. They resolved an issue with my M1 incredibly fast and fwiw the M1 is a great DAC.  
Cartridge installer North Jersey - NYC area wanted
Micheal Trei is the guy  
Brands that have the least depreciation
Like many others have said, McIntosh definitely does well in retaining value.  
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
Oh, plenty people here look for a little more from their amplification, something different in there speakers, etc. I do not really see folks by and large proclaim total satisfaction with their systems as so many are on a never ending quest. And i... 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
 How about If a persons system has been unchanged for four years, and that person says they are absolutely thrilled with the way things are. Does that mean anything? 
Mcintosh 7270, impedance with Martin Logan Request.
I wouldn’t be surprised if your ML’s dipped down to 2 ohms at spots- I would probably go with the 2 ohm, but I’d also listen at 4 ohm and see which I preferred. Recall, the 4 ohm rating is ’nominal’ and really doesn’t tell you anything of the impe... 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
A madman?  Thank you!! 
What brand was better than it is today?
Definitely Marantz-