
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
I never take any critique of my gear personally, especially the AHB2 which is so polarizing. This thread was sort of a way see how it stacks up to gear that is generally view with esteem. The single stereo AHB2 maybe better than the monos. I have... 
KEF Blade or Blade 2
@questforhifi Thanks for the description of your system. You and I likely have similar sonic tastes. Good to learn about the Powercell 12 uef se. I was looking for another conditioner that would do what my 10-year-old Torus RM15 does in my office... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
The LA4 and AHB2 can be incredible but it is also hard to get right as readers can see in my posts above. Squeaky clean is a good description. I have very high hopes that the longer Audience FrontRow cable I get on Monday ($2675) will allow me to... 
New Amp... Is it time to switch my speaker cables??
It was suggested to me by a dealer who loves the Blades to use the Analysis Plus Oval 8 bi-wire speaker cable with the Blades. It is not the top end in the lineup. I personally have always gone back to Audience cables. In fact, I bought my last s... 
best AC/DC Back In Black pressing
I remember reading this a few years ago. Not sure if he covered vinyl. SoundStage! Hi-Fi | SoundStageHiFi.com - Seven Shades of AC/DC’s "Back in Black" -- Finding the Best Version to Test Your System With I was listening to this yesterday. I lik... 
KEF Blade or Blade 2
@questforhifi Can you elaborate more about your system? What are you using to drive the Blades? If I got the Blades I was going to trade in my current CODA #16 for the KRELL KSA i400. I owned the lowered end KRELL DUO 175XD and they sounded great... 
KEF Blade or Blade 2
I am one of those people who did not buy the Blades because I was sure it would get destroyed in my space. A good decision but a lost opportunity. The speakers I ended up buying were the worst demo I have ever had. Sometimes a demo is dangerous t... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
I think you will like what you will hear on the LRS+ with the AHB2 if your preamp has some warmth.  On a side note, a huge improvement for the LRS+ is the following. Magna Risers Robert Raus <magnarisers@gmail.com> They also provide a re... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
@snapsc I am going to make a change of my opinion on the AHB2 and Schitt Mjolnir. After a few more hours of listening at volume levels that are louder than I listen to in the office. I am finding myself growing on this combo. It is actually rather... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
@snapsc I switched over to my Schitt Mjonlir preamp with the AHB2 and used the same gain setting as the prior test with the LA4 preamp. After a couple of hours of listening I can report that the Mjolnir plays louder. The sound is also not fatigui... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
@snapsc I also have the Schitt Mjolnir preamp sitting on top of the tuner I mentioned before. It is the new one and all Class A. I will have a listen with that preamp instead of the Benchmark LA4 and AHB2. It likely will be more palatable.  
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
Part 1—From Australia to Japan to Learn About Yamaha’s "True Sound" Pursuit (December 2023) (youtube.com) Part 2—From Australia to Japan to Learn About Yamaha’s "True Sound" Pursuit (December 2023) (youtube.com)  
Best sounding headphones you have owned?
@soix New ones coming out soon. It is being discussed on Head-fi. The new one is a mix of the CA-1a and SR1a. There are 3 ribbons instead of 1. I will also be selling my CA-1a but that will be after the new one is released. I need a phone until th... 
Best sounding headphones you have owned?
@thyname I see you commenting as an expert on phones, and also stating you have Meze Elite. As someone who at one time owned the top end Meze, I find your comments about your expertise interesting. For the rest of you. Some interesting things are... 
What about Dan Clark?
The best closed headphone maybe coming out in a few months based on a post yesterday on Head-fi. I have the previous version of this phone that I may sell now that this new uber phone is coming out.  I do not know anything about Dan Clark phones ...