
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Luxman leaves me wanting
@steverrino i do use Roon, but have not tried the EQ filters or room correction - but that’s a great idea. I’ll start there. I have thought of adding a tube pre to my L590AX-II, and am glad to hear that hsounds had good results doing so. If y... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
@tucki08 If you want to hear a very smooth, relaxing, and yet detailed Class A amp check out the Krell Duo XD lineup. I liked the KRELL Duo 175XD over my CODA #8 (sold). I like the CODA #16 more than the 175XD (sold). I had the CODA 07x preamp whe... 
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
tone - must be natural  dynamic range - must be able to sound laid back and gentle but scale up to explosive forces fast, as fast as demanded by the recording  low noise floor Texture in the bass warm and palpable mids extended and sweet h... 
Started with $1k speakers … what now?
@jdavis234 I had a budget to spend up to $10k on monitors for my small office, 12 x 11 x 9 (I use my closet to stuff my desk and 6 monitors so another 4 feet). I use a SilentPC so no noise from this setup. I was thinking of the following monitors... 
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
My gear on the Livingroom system is the following (excluding preamps): Yamaha NS5000 speaker (amazing) CODA #16 Benchmark DAC3B Audience FrontRow speaker cable (amazing) Benchmark XLR between the preamp and amp Audience AU24SE XLR/ RCA int... 
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
@hilde45 After either listening or owning for a while about 1/2 dozen preamps, I found that warm preamps that add extra euphonic sound is unsatisfying to me, preamps such as a Coda 07x, Luxman c900u. My goal is to let the preamp produce the sound... 
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
@hilde45 I want my SS preamp to not add anything to the sound. I have 3 preamps and 2 of then adhere to the non-additive principle. Benchmark LA4 (30-day home trial) Holo Serene You are not going to find anything quieter than these 2, except... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
The #16 is much cleaner sounding on the top end vs the #8 V1, which I also owned. The #16 is the strongest amp for bass that I owned. I would think that the cleaner top end is what this S5.5 would offer vs the #8. I did a listening test with the ... 
WiFi Streaming Versus An Ethernet Cable Connection
It is 2024 and my TP-link powerline gear that I was using for 7+ years finally died. I foolishly bought the latest NETGEAR Powerline. I ended replacing 2 of them and even the replacements are no good for audio streaming. Prior to this the streamin... 
Best Audiophile desktop for under $2500?
Look into what I posted about the Sonore OpticalRendu or even the non-fibre Rendu's. They will allow you to keep your computer far away from your music system (several rooms away).  If you use fibre, who cares about how noisy the internals of a co... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
I have the #16 and another person and I did some listening with various gear and the #16. We felt that a brighter DAC such as the Benchmark DAC3B cut through the Class A warmth of the #16 nicely.  
Best Audiophile desktop for under $2500?
I have a Mac Mni and I hate it for audio. It kept crashing for a few years when updates were applied. The solution was to re-install the OS and then the updates. Though the Mini did not crash like this last year. Maybe Apple learned something. Du... 
Need help chosing a preamp
If you have not already bought the Nagra DAC I would look at the Playback Designs DAC because Nagra uses the Playback Designs modules for their DAC. PBD does not give them their best modules. The Luxman m900u and c900u were great together. Though... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
Here is one more quote from my friend that I received this morning. I think he means "So What" by Miles Davies.   All morning, I’ve been thinking about how beautifully your NS-5000s rendered the bass on “Kind Of Blue”. I’ve listened to that rec... 
CODA #16 vs Benchmark AHB2 | Yamaha NS500 Speaker
I had my friend over today to listen to the NS5000. He is a very experienced audio person being both a musician, engineer, and audio hardware vender. I told him I wanted to play the remastered version of the Stones "Sympathy for the Devil" and the...