
Responses from winoguy17

Should I burn these?
Dyson sucks on purpose. 
Should I burn these?
Rrog, tell us where then. And what fraction ? Most items are available for less than retail if you shop around. what is your problem with Dali? This thread is about Bose 901's. 
Christmas '12 Audio Upgrades?
Wifey bought me a set of 8 cable elevators off A'gon. 
Should I burn these?
Rrog, I just went on pricedumper. After searching Dali for 5 pages, not one speaker, just lots of Salvador Dali. They did have a ton of Bose however. 
Affordable SS amp that has tube characteristics
Several reviews I've read describe the Modwright as being a tube like SS amp. 
Who is Harry Nillson
Yes, thanks for starting this thread. I havent watched it yet, but I bought it for my wife to give to me for Christmas. She's so thoughtful! 
Out of this speaker rockort, Atlair
Alex, I'd like to buy a comma.... 
Who is Harry Nillson
Big fan of Harry for many years What is the name of this documentary? 
Oppo customer service
I also had exceptional, fast repair work by them several years ago. Didnt even charge me though the unit was out of warranty. 
Hooking everything up for the first time
No, you need a regular IC with rca connectors. Not sure how you could even use speaker cable... 
bi-wire vs jumpers
My choice is to bi-wire instead of using jumpers. I'm sure others will feel the opposite. 
Hooking everything up for the first time
If I'm correct, it sounds like you are trying to use the pre-amp in the receiver to feed the power amp? If so, you need a regular IC from the pre -out jacks on the receiver to the input jacks on the amp. 
Does you wife touch your system?
I would'nt be married to her if she did'nt touch my system. Oh wait, did you mean stereo...? 
Great Rock Tracks With Piano?
Ditto Professor Longhair. Also: NRBQ/ Terry Adams Marcia Ball 
If you had to choose: tube amp or tube pre-amp?
Tube pre, SS amp has worked best for me thru the years.