
Responses from winoguy17

Who is Harry Nillson
NoNoise, His take on the standards was called " A Little Touch of Schmilsson In The Night " 
What country still has music?
Mara- I cant answer your question but I agree with your sentiment. 
Switching preamps in and out
I would definitely make sure power amp is off before making and breaking any connections. 
It's all over now, baby blue. Or is it not?
Im sure Im in the minority, but I really had little problems with my 2 boys. They were greeted with a stern "NO!" and "Dont touch that,it's Daddys!" Worked fine, never had an issue. Now when other peoples kids came to the house.... 
Lay away purchase
Sounds good to me. You still posess the goods, and he is giving you money. He has a much better chance of being screwed on this deal than you do. Plus, you are helping out a fellow 'phile. 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Sonic, thanks for the courteous reply. I didnt want this thread to degenerate into a snipe fight. Also,I hope you are right about this new piece, and all your future purchases are great ones. 
What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear
Wait, how do I get that $10 wine to taste like $90.? 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Sonic, Im sorry for your past troubles,and hope your rant has left you feeling better. If I were you, I WOULD name names,if for nothing but giving a heads up to your fellow hobbyists. Also, if youve been around this sight long enough, Im sure youv... 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Will do. 
Power amp /pre amp matching
Yes, it is a tube pre. 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Thanks for your posts everyone. I went ahead and ordered one. If I dont like it after 30 days Im only out return shipping. Worth a shot to me. 
Power amp /pre amp matching
Thanks, I appreciate the responses. 
When does seller's responsibility end?
Sounds like the weasel was just trying to shake you down on the price. Good luck with PayPal. 
SMc Audio: The Interocitor One thoughts?
I contacted SMc the other day and he informed me that he is currently not doing upgrades. He said possibly in the spring if he could find a good tech. FWIW 
McCormack DNA 225 or Mark Levinson No.27
You dont mention prices,but IMHO,it's hard to go wrong with McCormack.