
Responses from winoguy17

Odd Revel Performa M20 Question ?
Yea Rrog,and when you go pay for a gallon of gas and only get 3 quarts no biggie... 
Odd Revel Performa M20 Question ?
No one would care how much they weighed if it was AS CLAIMED by the Manufacturer. Should'nt we be able to believe/trust these guys? If they say they're using XYZ caps and premium NOS tubes,than they damn well better be.Why say something weighs x l... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
Rx8man, I agree 100%. we all know accidents happen,but the track records of these companies are deplorable. How the hell do you drive a forklift tine right thru the goods?? Are these guys blind? There is so much room for improvement with these com... 
Odd Revel Performa M20 Question ?
If I read this correctly, the OP is not concerned with the SHIPPING weight discrepancy, but the ACTUAL speaker weight vs. what the manuf. states. I definitely think he has a valid concern,and look forward to some better explanation. 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
This should get interesting.... 
What's with all the Sony 5400ES units for sale?
Yeesh. I cant stand these weekly/monthly threads. Why is there so much Macintosh? Pass? Aerial? Fords? Hyundais? 
Mechans,You say that only a couple of posters that contributed to this thread had actual experience with Cary? Really? Re-read, I think the majority had experience. FWIW, I have no dog in this fight. 
Best $1,500-ish New or Used Floorstander -
PSB Stratus gold i. 
Diana Krall Survey
A swimsuit calendar would be nice .... 
dedicated power line for audio equipment
30 amp is overkill, and could even be dangerous. Dedicated 20A lines are usually more than adequate in most circumstances IMO. 
Quietest fan for room
An analog,all tube fan sounds much better than the digital SS ones....and make sure you upgrade the power cord! 
Upscale Audio -- Tubes and Reliability
I also have nothing but good to say about UA. 
a solid state amp that is recessed in the treble
Dhcod He specifically asked for solid state suggestions... 
Marantz SC 11 S1 Pre amp
Zear, I no longer own it. Though I still think it is an excellnt pre amp, after a year and a half with it I found it lacking the tube magic I had become accustomed to for the prior 20 years, so I sold it and went back to a tubed pre. The phono sec... 
a solid state amp that is recessed in the treble
Mr. Tennis, just wondering... when you do find this amp and do a review, how will you describe it? ..." a wonderful amp, excellent mid range,iron fisted bass control,and beautifully rolled off, recessed treble "? I think you need to look elsewhere...