
Responses from winoguy17

Whats my weak link?
Dont know why people recommend changing powercords when you havent even stated what you already have. You say " upgraded", thats a good start. Since you've asked for opinions, I would start by replacing that old pre/pro and try a tube pre. 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player
Search the archives,this puppy's been beat to death. 
Groove Note Records Announces 1'st R2R Titles
Back to the future!.... 
Ripoff Schema Champions
Great in theory, but difficult to implement. How do you verify what is true and what is slander or lies? 
Opinions on Land Rover LR2
Schubert is rapidly becoming the most arrogant poster on this site. He also brings nothing to the table but condescending snipe. 
Tube preamp for $2,000
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
...and thanks to Kclone and everyone else for your responses. 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
WOW BUNNYTIM YOU ARE SUCH A MEANIE!! But I do agree that Tom6897 is intelligent, because he clearly addresed my original post. I clearly asked about A) a specific model POWER amp by B) a specific manufacturer. Your response? "Try this INTEGRATED a... 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
OK Sunnyjim, I'll take a valium if you take some reading comprehension courses,dickwad. 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Sunnyjim With all due repect, if youre seeking info on a specific piece of gear, why dont you start a thread on that instead of hijacking mine? What does a Van Alstine integrated have to do with my OP? 
Hope they sound better than your handle... 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
Leo I feel your pain. I am currently auditioning a new piece of equipment (only 30 day trial) and all this critical listening can tend to take the fun out of listening after a while. I am now playing very familiar music and listening critically fo... 
Sheer Audio MM-77 tube phono preamp - - ?
I own one and think its very good. It is my first outboard phono stage, and I believe its as good as any of the other built-ins I've owned ( Marantz, Rogue, CJ ... ) Im using it with a MM and it has never yet left me wanting. Hard to go wrong at t... 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Digs, I was going to wait a little longer before offering up any comment, but since you asked...For starters: the salesman told me to give it at least 100 hrs. before serious listening, the owners manual advises 300. As of today, I have approx. 40... 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
The Morrows come with a 30 day trial. Use it. If you dont like it, send them back. With all respect to Schubert, I think its quite a reach for someone on an internet forum to tell you exactly how a cable is going to sound with your system ,in your...