
Responses from winoguy17

Klipsch Cornwall III
I think Acoustic Sounds carries them 
pioneer sx1980 watts
I would think you're talking power consumption not power output? 
Wow, everything posted for sale is ''light use''??
Im in the same boat as Donjr. Once spring hits Im outside all the time,rarely turn the rig on. Summer comes its so hot in my house I cant sit and relax. Never have used my system for background music,if I cant sit in the sweet spot for awhile it a... 
Does it bother you?
You sound like a troll. Whats your name and what studios have you worked in? What albums have you engineered? Pardon my skepticism, but since you just joined today and this is your first post.... 
Breaking in of CD player?
Just play it, thats the only way to break it in.Dont obsess either, it sounds OK right out of the box. 
Interaction between Vibrapods and shelf material
I had the same experience as Mezmo. They eventually made a mess of anything they came in contact with. Dont use them anymore either. 
Humor In Music
Mark Levinson 333.5 vs Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks
Who's we? 
Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi
Buco, Consumer Reports also said that buying anything more expensive than Bose was just a waste of money! 
Great Overall Career Arc -- Group/Solo
Al Anderson/ NRBQ Scott Miller/ V- Roys David Byrne/ Talking Heads 
Parasound, McCormick, Odyssey - best under $1000
Another vote for McCormack. 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
Well, at the risk of sounding wishy-washy,I'll say both. I can really only compare it to what it replaced ( McCormack dna225) which I thought was a great amp. The Sim has added a level of finer detail that I never noticed before,and it also seems ... 
Simaudio Moon w5.3se
No, bass is excellent, fast,tight and punchy. I sent you an e mail. 
Top 10 Alt-country bands
Screwed up again, should be EASTbound Jesus... 
Top 10 Alt-country bands
Southbound Jesus.