
Responses from winoguy17

Von Schweikert VR-4
The Bluebook on this site becomes more useless each day. 
Used Floor Standers for around $1k
PSB Stratus Goldi. Come up on here used from time to time for under $1k. Great all around speaker for the price. 
What's your latest album purchase?
Steve Earle Train 'a Coming Duke Ellington Masterpieces 
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it
You sound like the poster child for Murphys Law. 
VPI Cyclone cleaner
Funny and clever Axpona Ad
... based on a true story..... 
Newb on the loose
Why not a cartridge by Clearaudio? 
Metal-base and non metal-base 5AR4/GZ34?
I just bought one of these for my Modwright SWL9.0 se had to cut a hole in the cover to accomadate the size,but Im very happy with it. Got mine from a guy in Holland thru ebay for less $. 
What's your latest album purchase?
Just bought a Columbia 6 eyes Count Basie in great condition and a near mint Donovans Greatest Hits. $17.00 for both. 
Electrical Ground to Water Pipe, No Earth Ground
Get a new electrician. If a car takes out your utility pole it doesn't matter what kind of ground you have,you're going to lose power. As for the difference in sound, I'll let others pontificate on that. Personally, I would want an earth ground in... 
Modwright 9.0 SE versus Conrad Johnson PV-14L Mk 2
Thanks for the reply Mofi. 
Keeping dustcover looking new
FWIW, I just ordered a 8oz bottle of Novus #1 cleaner /polish. Will update with results in the future if anyone is interested... 
Modwright 9.0 SE versus Conrad Johnson PV-14L Mk 2
Mofi - were those Amperex 7119's Dutch or U.S.? Thanks. 
Modwright 9.0 SE versus Conrad Johnson PV-14L Mk 2
I have the 9.0 with the tube rectified ps and Modwright caps. Ive never felt (heard) it to be analytical or bright. I love it. As Erndog suggests, maybe it is just exposing a weakness upstream. I also replaced the rectifier tube with a Dutch Phili... 
Keeping dustcover looking new
Thank you all for your responses. Will definitely try the Novus route.