
Responses from whitestix

Opening a can of worms
I do believe that cables make a difference to some degree, but the law of diminish returns is an immutable law. I think I perceived some improvement in the low frequency response of my main system cabling it with Supra Ply 3.4 speaker cable and a ... 
Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Turbo S Speakers - A Review
I have a 13'X26'X9' room with the speakers on the long wall and Clayton advised me that the M4's would be more suitable than the M3's, which I was prepared to buy.   I have the speakers no more than 3' from the rear wall and the are, in my experie... 
$3000 Speaker Search
I have owned or heard a number of speakers on your list and I vote for the Spatial Audio Speakers.  They are by far the more enjoyable speakers I have ever owned and are very easy to drive.  They fit very well in your budget.   
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
A further thought:  I just switched my DSPeaker Anti-Mode processor back into the signal path and it makes a remarkable difference.  It clearly attenuates the mid-bass hump and makes the sound more coherent and balanced.  It has been a very worthy... 
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
I am using a Oppo 205 at the moment and it sounds excellent.  Inserting the Denafrips into the system produces no sonic difference that I can discern.  My foray into upgraded DAC's has come to an end.  If if felt my Oppo was deficient, I would con... 
Benefits of an external DAC
As I posted on my Denafrips thread, I heard zero difference running my Oppo 103 through the Denafrip, the lowest-priced DAC they sell, vs using the analogue output from my Oppo to my preamp.  Other listeners validated my listening comparison.  Tod... 
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
4hannons and stforh,It is very odd that I don't hear at least some difference in the sound with the addition of a DAC.  I will borrow my pal's Oppo 95 which has the Modwright tubes mods for a comparison as well as a non-Oppo CD player.   
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
Stforth,I had Don Sachs upgrade all my Harman Kardon Citation gear (I, II, and V), but his preamp is vastly better than the upgraded C-I.  Don is a genius with both his tube preamp, based on 6SN7 tubes, and his KT88-based amp.  In my experience, h... 
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
Stfroth and 4hannonsI agree, it does seem odd.  No sonic difference when trying 4 different DACs with my Oppo.  I did go in and upgrade the settings on my Oppo as described on page 61 and 62 of the Oppo manual. Still, I can't discern any differenc... 
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
Update:   I had some audio pals over to join me with the comparison with the Ares in my system.  The clear conclusion was that the addition of the Ares to the signal path offered no SQ difference compared to connecting the Oppo 103 directly into m... 
Denafrips Ares DAC has arrived... need help with Oppo connectivity
No idea what I did, but the stream from the DAC now functions.  Thanks for the helpful suggestions.  The music streaming from the Oppo into the Ares sound pretty nice from the get-go, but I need to do some critical listening.   Mark 
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions
bcgator,Anticipating an audition of the low-end Denafrips DAC on Monday, the Ares, and having followed this post with much interest given the varied opinions of adding the Yiggz to a system with OP's Oppo 205CD player, I think your take is spot on... 
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions
gdhal,My experience with the Jolida DAC, Gungnir (only run in for 2 weeks) and the Channel Islands Audio CD player with external power supply to the sound of the Oppo straight into my preamp.  The difference in sound was non-existant.   Lots of fo... 
Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?
Dude, you need to get a handle on your attitude is my best advice.  I wouldn't spend a minute of my time to inform you of my experience given your arrogance.  Chill out.   
Benefits of an external DAC
bigkidz,I do have a Denafrip Ares en route to me for a demo, similar in price to my CIA DAC, so I will give the a listen to it in my system. I can hear clear differences in SQ swapping amps, preamp, tubes, cables and speaker wire, but I will be da...