
Responses from whitestix

A bit off topic, but I thought I'd share this.  I recently picked up an old Adcom GFA 5400 and it isn't nearly the equal of my McCormack DNA .05 Deluxe amp, but it sounds very good.  I found no fault with it -- perfectly musically.   The mosfet de... 
Shopping for Interconnects
I think the low-end of the Shunyata's, the Venom 3's, are a real step above the Blue Jeans IC's.  The Venom 3's are about $100.  Next are the $100 Silnote IC's, also excellent.   Both these can be auditioned for a full-money back guarantee and wor... 
My experience with the Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Turbo S
Great post above, which I agree with.  I have had my M4TS for a couple of years.  They are beyond a doubt the most enjoyable of the the dozen speakers I have had in my system for the past 45 years -- many at 4X the price of the M4TS speakers.  I a... 
Tube preamp recommendations $3K-$7K range
Interesting thread, one that pops up a lot.  I second Soix advice on the Don Sach's preamp.   I got one of the first-gen versions, now with most of the current-generation upgrades ,and can wish for no better preamp.   It bettered the less expensiv... 
Which integrated amp?
I am a lover of Music Fidelity integrated amps and am using the MF 3i, and am aware that the MF M6si is far better and more suitable for your power requirements.   I have been very impressed with the Hegel integrated amps I have heard, being among... 
Why does my system now have shrill top end.
I see where you are coming from, but take these posts with a grain of salt.  Kosst responded emphatically to some nonsensical suggestions, but his RX as usual was cogent.  Your narrow sense of what constitutes decency and civility suggests that yo... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Why does my system now have shrill top end.
I tell ya, there are some folks on these threads with awfully thin skin.  If this was a  sudden phenomenon, then Kosst mostly likely has it right.  Swap the amp and the preamp and see if the problem goes away.  
Why is the snake oil topic closed?
Frankly, I thought the OP was a troll trying to pull our chain.  Clearly that was not the case.  I have weighed the evidence presented by both sides of the argument, and come down on the sides of Kosst, Georgehi, and Teo_Audio.  No bricks rest on ... 
Amp selection for someone on a modest budget...
Outlaw gets rave reviews as recently as the most current edition of Stereophile.    
Opening a can of worms
Kosst is my audio muse and tells it like it is.  GK espouses nothing but nonsense as usual. I certainly get the notion of run-in of gear -- speakers for darn sure, and tubes and electronics to a lesser degree, as well as wire.  At the end of the d... 
Opening a can of worms
Greg,You miss my point, but  do live vintage gear so thanks for the suggestions.  I have heard lots of SQ differences with speakers, components and tubes, and to a lesser extent, with IC's, power cords, and speaker wire.  That is why I recently up... 
Opening a can of worms
Jafant, I can't be convinced that any conductor could take 300-500 hours to burn-in.  Other than confirmation bias, there is no reason based on physics that supports the conclusion that the wire "improves" from a SQ perspective after this period o... 
Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr.
+1 on the Totem Mani 2 if it is bass you desire.  With your outstanding amplification, a pair of used Dynaudio C-1's or Joseph Audio Pulsar's will rock your world and you can forget about needing a subwoofer.   
Please help me chose a tube preamp
+ 1 on Hiphile's recommendation.  I was the third proud owner of the excellent preamp.  His newest version is three generations improved from mine.  Google Don Sachs preamp for many excellent reviews of the preamp.  It is truly outstanding preamp ...