
Responses from whitestix

MRI grade vs Hospital grade electric outlets
I just got the Porter Ports wired to the outlet for my system and I a bit puzzled as I honestly expected zero improvement.  I have called BS on the "fuse-heads" and a boatload of other tweaks I have tried and rejected.  While my impressions are pu... 
Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please
This an an excellent thread with lots of contrasting views.  I have recently auditioned the NuPrime ST-10 and the Red Dragon S-500 class D stereo amps.  I thought they both sounded excellent, no question, and they run very cool.  After about 60 ho... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
2channel8,I just popped back to see where this silly thread has gone and think you might have the most insightful post of all.  High anxiety and OCD runs rampant in society, with sellers guilting folks into buying products of little or no utility.... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Geoff has as comrade in arms with Teo weighing in on the question raised by the OP.  I hear nothing but pablum from the two of them.  Kooky nonsense, really.  However, if there is some benefit from elevating speaker cable, then get a saw and cut u... 
Jazz for aficionados
I just got turned on to Karen Souza who I am listening to round the clock.   She does covers of popular music with a decidedly jazz spin.   
High End Amp Price Collapse musings
This is an amazing and rational thread. I am currently auditioning a  Nuprime ST10 and Red Dragon S500 class D amps, but well $2K, and they are quite good.  However, these class D amps do, frankly, seem less musically involving that that fine tube... 
Synergestic Research: SCAM
Geoff, regardless of the SR tweaks I have auditioned and returned, I have never lost my senses to the degree that would motivate me to try a single one of your idiotic tweaks.  Your stuff takes the cake for getting audio-fools to part with their c... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
Right you are, Kenny.  I will run in the new amp for the requisite hours and then compare them.  I do have the S500 and like you, the black case is no bother to my eyes.  The ST10 has a main on/off switch on the back and a standby on/off switch on... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
I got the Red Dragon class D amp today and it sounds very good right out of the box, although not as fleshed out as the Nuprime and  bit sibilant, but only slightly so.  It has an unsightly case, as others have observed.  Still,it might be difficu... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
Kim,Funny you should ask.  I am sitting here in my living room waiting for the big brown truck to deliver the S500 at the moment. I figure I will be the last delivery of the day. I have been very impressed with the sound of the Nuprime amp as I ha... 
Looking for THE amp to anchor my system, Krell, Plinius or maybe a D
Well, I am 100% with Kdude66 in auditioning both the Red Dragon S100 (I have one arriving Monday) and the Nuprime ST10, both class D amps.  I have had the ST10 for two weeks today and much prefer its astonishing clarity to my venerable McCormack c... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
Celo, I do not recall the model of the Bel Canto amp I had maybe 5 years ago, but is was used and well run-in when I got it. My listening notes reveal that the sound of it was exceeding dry, lifeless and strident.  I flipped it in within a few day... 
Synergestic Research: SCAM
Madavid0.You stepped into it on this forum calling BS on SR "tweaks".  I have tried a boatload of their stuff as I am an inveterate audio tweaker, which has included their foolish and pricey "room dots" and goofy expensive fuses.  If Geoff Kait ch... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
Kdude,The S-500 must be fine for Clayton Shaw to recommend them for his Hologram speakers.  Glad to hear you felt the ST10 compares to it.  Samac, thanks for the insight into the breaking in of the ST10... I like it now and expect I will like it e... 
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
I have about 50 hours on the amp and am happy to report that it is breaking nice nicely.  It is very powerful, dead quiet, and the crystal  clarity of the sound of my Holograms is amazing.  This is nothing like the Bel Canto Class D amp I had year...