
Responses from whitestix

Analogue-free system
Uberwalz,Well said, no doubt.  Here is an extraordinary benefit of a $10/mo subscription of Spotify or double that for Tidal for a better stream.  I pretty much only listen to jazz myself. I get Downbeat and they identified their top recordings of... 
Analogue-free system
kalali,You are exactly right about this being a hobby for some.  For others, the gear is only a means with which to enjoy the music and having to fool around with TT "care and feeding" detracts from the enjoyment of the musical listening experienc... 
Analogue-free system
Raul,Your 5th paragraph describes endless hassles that I will never face again. No more oppty's for my cat to jump on my TT and break a $1K stylus,  etc.  I think the next quantum leap in sources will be the decision to "rent" music, i.e. Spotify/... 
Analogue-free system
andysf,Are you by any chance in San Francisco?  I live in Sacramento.  Let me know.Kalili,Regarding my Oppo, I have some thoughts.  My pal has a $4000 Modwright-upgraded Oppo CD player in a $30K system and I think it sounds as good as his TOTL VPI... 
Analogue-free system
Gents,I sure don't mean to fan the fire of digital vs. analogue as the audio tent is a big one and we all can pick our our sources.  They are all great.  My original post was really more of an ode to my decades long relationship with my analogue s... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
 A pal of mine who makes IC's, as well as Don Sachs, the guy who made my preamp, both are big fans of Dueland wire.  Don now uses it for the internal wiring in his preamp and rewired his speakers with Dueland wire, a definite improvement from his ... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
Fair enough, lads, we call them as we see (or hear them.)   Yping, your post above poses an excellent subjective question, but rather nonsensically.  Your caveat "if money is no object" pushes aside the whole issue of quality/performance vs. value... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
Steve,It is all good, my friend. REL suggests a high level connection for my T7 subs so that is the way I have been running it, connected to my amp.  I have used AQ BFA speaker connectors, but the metal male jacks are suffering from metal fatigue ... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
Steve,Fair enough, I know you and other audiophiles find sonic joy in their connectors so I don't wish to diminish your zeal for them.  Your ears, and your pocketbooks, will be your guide.  I would be keen to see an A/B comparison of the KLE conne... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
Steve,Sorry to speak ill of connectors you fancy.  I bought these connectors to pig back the wires from my sub to my 2-channel amp:  https://kleinnovations.com/kleiclassic-harmony-banana-by-ss/   They cost $135 and were shipped from AUS.  After re... 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
I bought a variant of these from KLE was absolutely aghast their awful quality of construction and workmanship.  They were of worse quality than some of Chinese connectors that sell for a couple of dollars.  I understand KLE makes some fine connec... 
Chance To UpGrade:Spatial Audio vs Reference 3A
As a poster described above, they are two different sorts of speakers.  I have had the M4Ts for a couple of years and just upgraded to their Triode Master version.  Clayton Shaw's speakers create an open and airy sound that box speakers, in my exp... 
Spatial Audio Triode Master Upgrade -- any impressions?
Sir,Your Pavlovian response to the M3 TM is not surprising, nor your desire to jump up the food chain to the X2's.   I have no doubt the X2's are a significant upgrade from the M3's, no question.  My take is that the SA speakers thrive with a powe... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
Kosst,My F5 at the moment is being worked on very capable DIY'er, who, based discussions he has had with Nelson Pass, is doing some the upgrades you describe above.  It difficult to imagine the F5 improving, but it is logical thatat it will do so ... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
My take is that this one of the most informative threads on AG in a while with very thoughtful responses. I recently got an First Watt F5 amp, my first Class A amp, and it is a glimpse into music that I had never heard before.  I dunno if all pure...