
Responses from whitestix

Speaker wire... Diy?
This is an amazing thread based upon a guy who is looking for $17K speakers cables.  Am I the only guy to see this as query designed to pull our chains!  What am in missing here? 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
Noble,You well described the attributes of the 105.  I sure wish I had snapped up a 205 in the end, but with some simple mods to my 103, my ears tell me that it is a great player.   I dunno, maybe there are CDPs in their former price range that ar... 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
tgrisham,I meant to say that I I wished that Oppo would have made an "audio only" CDP without all the bells and whistles for video.   
backert vs sachs preamp
I have no experience with Backert Labs gear so I have no views about them, but for me I have never heard a passive pre that I preferred over and active pre. I got the third or forth preamp that Don made and just a couple of months ago sent it back... 
Positive experience with Ayre
Chesebert,A "shill" for Ayre?  I only wanted to bring to other audiophiles' attention the excellent customer care I received from Ayre.  We evidently both think the Codex is a great DAC... I simply took the time to share my impressions with potent... 
Positive experience with Ayre
I would love to hear the QX-5 Twenty in my system.   Maybe in few years I can find a good deal on a used one. As a pensioner, the Codex fit my budget very well and sounds outstanding.  Thanks for chiming in.   
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
Noble,Very interesting.  Personally, I always wished that Oppo would produce an audio-only DAC and dispense with the video aspect of the units. But I understand that the video folks love the Oppo's as much as us audiophiles.  Thanks.   
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
Gents,I hooked up XLR cables to my Oppo and compared it to the RCA connections and the difference in sound is rather noticeable. It seems to reduce the glare to a certain degree and to my ears it is preferable.  Any recommendations for good XLR ca... 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
Mr M,I guess I need to try XLR cables with the Codex again.  I tried in once and heard no difference.  I have inexpensive Monoprice XLR's so maybe I need to step up in quality to hear what you are hearing.  Don Sachs tells me the same thing with h... 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
Good question, gents, but it is a bit off the mark.  My issue is on the front end, a bit different than the issue you raise.  To wit, I have compared connectivity from my Codex between RCA ICs and very cheap Monoprice XLR connectors ( my Don Sachs... 
I just got connected to the TOTL Qobuz trails and got it talking to my Ayre Codex.  I frankly don't know that my aging ears hear a demonstrable SQ improvement over the Tidal Hifi, but I do think their jazz catalogue is perhaps deeper than Tidal's ... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Nice feedback on the amp, a take I have been waiting to hear for nearly 8 months on this thread.  I am sure your Crimson is far better than the very good NAD amp, and I am happy you are pleased with it.  I think you made a wise choice.   
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
I am biased, but I thought both rooms with the new Spatial Audio speakers sounded excellent.  Ditto for the lovely Salk Audio speakers, they were very impressive.  As alway, the MBL room got audio prize from me, particularly with respect to their ... 
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
dbass,I got to the Carver room at Axpona and visited with Frank for just a moment, a real swell guy.  During my visit, the 350's were driving the speakers so I never got to hear the 275, but as Frank says, they are voiced to sound very similar.  T... 
3 great tube preamps. Which would you purchase?
I will chime in with the other devotees for Don Sachs' preamp.  I got the third or forth one he built which was recently sent back to him for the latest, and likely final, upgrades.  It is beyond question the finest preamp I have ever had in my sy...