
Responses from whitestix

Not Enjoying My Turntable
My advice is to forget about analogue.  Start with as good as a CD player as you can afford, then get a good-to-great DAC, and subscribe to Tidal Hifi.  Otherwise, you are wasting you money.   
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
If this guy wasn't trying to punk us, then he must be judged as an absolute nitwit.  90% of speakers have frequency limitations, so what? There is a niche for vintage Klipsch gear, like the Cornscala's, that makes a lot of folks very happy with th... 
Don Sach's pre amp
rlb61,We will await your comparison of Don's latest preamp to your BAT preamp, which even at pretty much twice the cost of Don's preamp, will be worthy comparison.  There is magic in his 6SN7 tubes!  I had a pair of Joseph Audio RM25XL speakers th... 
Don Sach's pre amp
Don Sachs has relentlessly fashioned tweaks to his preamp since its creation, two of which I have had including an upgrade from Mundorf Silver Oil caps to Jupiter caps in the past which was marvelous.  I sent the preamp back a couple of weeks ago ... 
I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?
Great question.  My first such experience was in 1973 hearing the JBL Paragon speakers with Macintosh tube amplification.  Then a couple of years later hearing a pair of Magnepan speakers. Then 40 years later, Spatial Audio M4 Triode Master speake... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
At this point, I have gravitated to another tube amp, but am still curious as to the opinion of those that have the Crimson in their systems.  Jim ought to be able to provide some detailed feedback by now.   
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
I started this thread over 4 months ago and no owners have chimed in with their experiences with the amp.  There ought to be some owners by now that can share their impressions of the amp.   
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
I have a Rogue Atlas Magnum and a Platinum-upgraded McCormack DNA .05 amp.  I will have a Don Sachs KT-88 based tube preamp in a couple of weeks, as well.  I have lost all interest in class D amps.   
Initial impression of the Nuprime ST-10 amp
An update:  After a while with both class D amps, I sent them back for refund.  There seemed to be something missing in the sound of my system, and it was fully restored when I put a class A/B system.   
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
It might be heresy, but I am going to give this PC a try:  https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=24195&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpdWkqLiy4AIVAdRkCh1pQgjXEAQYAiABE... 
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
Thank you, that makes great sense.   
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
Thanks. I can can see the benefit of more robust PC's for amps (I used them in my system to great benefit), but it seems less necessary for DAC's.   
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
Thanks for the responses, I think I have some good alternatives here.   
Kef Blade or Kef Blade Two for bigger room
The OP has an interesting dilemma.  KEF Blades powered by a rack of Macintosh gear absolutely blew me away at an audio show I attended a few years ago, easily among the very best sound I heard at the show at any price.  If not thunderous bass, it... 
Don Sachs 2 vs. deHavilland Ultraverve 3
Swingfingers,I am late to this post, but I have had Don's preamp from the beginning, getting the third one he made, after he upgraded my HK C-I, CII, and C-V's.  I have had two upgrades it over the past 4 years and it is back for the latest upgrad...