
Responses from whitestix

Tekton Impact Monitors vs Buchardt S300Mk2 and/or S400
I heard the Buchardt S400 SE speakers in a friend's excellent audio system in Italy his summer and was totally blow away with the sound of them.  They have remarkable bass response, tonally almost perfect, and have an immense soundstage.  A fair s... 
Used Tube Preamp Suggestions
This is a simple answer.  I have a used Don Sachs tube preamp for sale, with all the serial upgrades and will be posting an ad for it soon.  I upgraded to his new preamp, but the original undated preamp is fantastic.  It does not have a remote.  H... 
Dipping toes in tube preamp pool!!
No question, Don Sachs' new preamp would be at the top of my list of preamps.  I got the 4th one he built several years ago, went through all the excellent upgrades with it, and just now have his newest offering running in.  I can imagine better t... 
Linear Tube Audio
I heard LTA amplification driving the Spatial Audio's at Axpona and was super impressed with the sound of the system.  Mark Schneider, the CEO of LTA, graciously answered all my questions and explained the involvement of David Berning in the devel... 
IsoAcoustics GAIA footers: impressions
Join the crowd, my friend.  This technology is evidently the real deal.  My ears certainly tell me that.  Thanks for the post.  I do love Dali speakers.  
Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers
I posted elsewhere on the forum today that I am totally impressed with the SQ improvement with the GAIA III's under my Spatial Audio speakers for the reasons described above.  It is a pricey tweek ($684 with the carpet spikes), but it is a really ... 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
Timlub,I appreciate you sharing your knowledge on this vexing aspect of audio.  I can't say I understood it all, but it greatly aided my background on the topic.  Roy at Green Mountain Audio was a big proponent of time alignment of the drivers in ... 
Mattresses, not stereos is where the money is
Great thread, with some clever responses.  I am gonna check out the Nectar mattress myself. I have Spatial Audio speakers and a bespoke Don Sachs preamp and amp in my system.  I suspect they'd be 2X the price if sold through dealer channels.   
Why pay so much?
Uberwaltz,The answer is to inform music lovers of the fallacy of spending lots of money on goofy expensive cabling which is unnecessary.   
Why pay so much?
Well, I think the OP makes a very rational point, one that I completely agree with. The cost vs. benefit proposition goes completely off the rails with uber-expensive cabling.  I have Triode Wire Labs and Cerious Technology ICs's and power cables ... 
Chord Dave
My audio pal just got a Dave and in a short period of time, thoroughly prefers it to his fully upgraded Denafrips Terminator.  Now that I am a pensioner, I think I will content myself with the performance of my Ayre Codex.  My upgrade from 4 diffe... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Gents,Coming my way next week is Don Sachs' newest iteration of his preamp.  I had one of the first original preamps he made and it was and is fantastic.  His cap and wiring upgrades took it to even greater levels of performance. His new preamp ha... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
I have one of Don Sachs first preamps, since fully upgraded, but I decided to buy his new preamp, which accommodates the new WE6SN7 tubes that Don prefers and which has several enhancements over his current preamp.  His current preamp is far and a... 
High value, giant killer speakers?
In my opinion, the Spatial Audio speakers are the highest value speakers in the audio world.  The new M-series Sapphire speakers are likely to be a demonstrable improvement over the existing Triode Master variants.   
What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?
Beyond a doubt, the least favorite speakers I have ever owned were the KEF LS50's.  I had a 180-wpc Plinius integrated amp which drove them poorly and they were bright and harsh sounding. Of all the speakers I have personally owned, they were simp...