
Responses from whitestix

Opinions on Dacs...
I have an original Ayre QB-9 and I love it.  The Schiit Iggy does not do DSD so keep that in mind.  The limitation of the original QB-9 is only a USB input.  The Ayre Codex also has a Toslink input which I can use with my Oppo CDP and it is compar... 
Tube pre for class d recommendations
I am an owner of Don Sach's 6SN7-based tube preamp.  It is better than any preamp I have had in my system.  It is a bespoke preamp that has gone through several iterations of upgrades to its current state.  For around $2700 or so, you will have a ... 
Digital output from Oppo 103 CDP?
Toslink it is then, and the Codex will receive that signal.  Excellent, thank for the input.   
Power conditioner -- when to replace?
Thanks for all the input, it is very helpful.  To Elizabeth's last point, the usefulness of a "power conditione" includes both functions, typically.   Frankly, it the surge protection is kaput after a period of time, then one is left with only pow... 
Reasonable RCA Connectors?
I prefer BFA banana connectors for a firm fit.  In that vein, DH Labs Z-plugs are about $9.00 a piece and are excellent in function.  I thought the KLE plugs were worth about a buck a piece and of course they do require soldering.  I returned them... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Kalali,Evidently Clayton doesn't list the M4 Triode Master.  I had my M4TS upgraded to TM version.  I would be very surprised he isn't making the M4TM version.  Best to give him a call.   
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
Ozzy, I have a couple of thread going on this amp, but I decided instead to order Don Sachs Kootenay amp after hearing it in my system.  It does everything my Platinum McCormack does... amazing LF control, but Don's amp is vastly more holographic.... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Ozzy,My cashy pal during my college years got the Phase Linear amp and preamp and pretty much blew us plebes away in the SPL of the system with RTR speakers.  Actually, he still has the amp and preamp 40 years later. There are rave reviews from th... 
don sach's custom kt88 tube amp
I ordered Don's amp yesterday.   I am in the queue.  Good things come to those that wait, although it is not my strong suit.  Don told me many times that his amp would be better than my McCormack amp with my Spatial Audio speakers,and I dismissed ... 
McCormack is my grail!
He makes a preamp and some other device, but not amps.   
Don Sachs Katooney amplifier
I would imagine it would be a fine math. The impedance is a fair match for Don's outstanding amp.  Of course, it is best to asked Don the question.  
McCormack is my grail!
I had stock DNA .05 that I loved and then got the Platinum upgrade and it is wonderful.   
Totem Hawks - my impressions
I am 8 interactions of speakers passed the Hawk's, but remember them fondly, particularly their excellent bass response.   
Totem Hawks - my impressions
Good for you, they are really excellent speakers, with very potent LF response.  Thanks for the response.  Mark 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Angelgz,Well, I stand corrected on this compatibility issue.  These days, everything I seem to know is wrong.  I have a pal who has pretty large Tyler Acoustic's speakers that are nominally 4 ohms, but have frequency dips to under 2 ohms and he co...