
Responses from whipsaw

SS Amp Designer by Reputation
I owned a Rowland Concentra I for years, and thought it was outstanding. However, they are getting a bit old now, and the design is not independent-tech friendly, so re-capping, etc., could be expensive. 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR and Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
I have been powering my P3ESR with a vintage Accuphase E-303x integrated, and they sing. Not an easy amp to find in the U.S., though, and I did have mine recapped, etc. 
Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!
Moving to a CD player that cost eight times its replacement caused a sharp improvement in performance? Good to know.;>)` 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
@mhmeyers –Thanks for that! I'm glad to see that someone got around to talking about the Beogram 4002.Early in my audiophile days I owned one, coupled with a Bryston amp, Apt Holman pre-amp, and Magnepan Tympani III-A speakers. The turntable was e... 
Advice on buying good CD player that will outperform my Primare cd31
miko –I have been using an Electrocompaniet EMC 1-UP for over 15 years now, and remain very happy with it.I have used it with Jeff Rowland Concentra and Accuphase E-303x amps, and with Green Mountain Audio and (now) Harbeth speakers. 
How about a list of speakers that are time and phase coherent? Thiels and what else?
I still have a pair of the original Green Mountain Audio Calypso (in storage), and they were excellent. 
Can someone explain to me why : Accupahse Equipment is that expensive ?
I only buy used components, but will offer a slightly different perspective.I have owned two different vintage Accuphase tuners, and they are outstanding. I currently also own an E-303x integrated amp, and, though it was manufactured in the '80s, ... 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
@mapman Well, if you were to ask the designer of Harbeth speakers, Alan Shaw, he would downplay the importance of the amp. There are actually some very interesting related threads on the Harbeth forum.However, while Shaw has forgotten more about a... 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Thanks offnon! Not worthless at all, and a very interesting read.You have highlighted the most important variable of all – listening at home with your associated components. There is no substitute.As I am using an integrated amp from the '80s, and... 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Great! Please do report your impressions.Oh, and if the dealer is as good as you say, then get them to make a simple concession: you get to audition the speakers at home before consummating the purchase. As you know, system synergy is crucial. 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Hi offnon,I have been using the P3's for close to two years now, and am very happy with them. As suggested in the original posts, my listening space here in Lisbon is quite poor, yet the Harbeth's have performed really well. It's not just the well... 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
Electrocompaniet EMC 1-UP CD player. 
Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)
Having used a Pass previously, I thoroughly enjoyed a Jeff Rowland Concentra I for many years. I would recommend it highly, although they are aging now, and my understanding is that the design makes (independent) reconditioning less than friendly. 
Mid grade Integrated amp choices
I don't mean to derail this discussion, but I would love to audition some of these (new) suggestions and compare them with my vintage amp. I'm not suggesting that the new ones wouldn't prove better, but that it would be a very interesting comparis... 
Where were your audio components designed/engineered?
Accuphase E-303x integrated amp – JapanAccuphase T-103 tuner – JapanElectrocompaniet EMC-1UP CD player – NorwayHarbeth P3ESR speakers – U.K.Hifiman HE400i headphones – ChinaAudience cable and interconnects – U.S.