
Responses from whipsaw

Vintage Receiver: TANDBERG, MARANTZ, or…?
@aktchi Thanks for the note! Given that Simon, the founder of AC, was in the store so much when I lived in Evanston, I suspect that it was the original location. It was interesting to see how careful he was to hire only people who were truly passi... 
Looking to buy a quality integrated $10,000 budget.
Surprised that Gryphon has only been mentioned once.  
During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.
@an10490413 It appears that you have been heavily influenced by the tweeting style of the "leader of the free world". 
During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.
Nice to see that some members share my taste for off-beat foreign dramas! I can highly recommend these mostly esoteric ones:Western – Directed by Valeska GrisebachA Separation – Asghar FarhadiIn the Fog – Sergei LoznitsaBroken Circle Breakdown – F... 
Magico A3, suggested integrated amp.
@twoleftears I am using a Hegel H160 to power my Harbeth 30.1, and find it to be excellent. I did not buy the Hegel because of Alan Shaw's high opinion of the manufacturer, but it is interesting to note what he likes so much about their amps. From... 
Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned?
I have very fond memories of the Apt-Holman preamp that I owned for many years. You youngsters won’t recall it, but was a superb component that represented terrific value back in the late '70s and ’80s. It was designed by Tom Holman, the inventor ... 
All New Magico A5 Loudspeakers // Biggest "BANG" For Your BUCK On The Market ?!
@jkf011 has it right. A $22k speaker represents good value?I paid ~2300 for a pair of Harbeth 30.1, and while I am quite sure that there are better, more expensive speakers, the returns diminish so sharply above a certain point, that I would never... 
(Used) speaker cable replacement suggestions for Virtual Dynamics David?
Hi Bob,Thanks very much for your kind offer, and the details of your set-up and experiences.I would be happy to take you up on your offer, except for the intractable problem that I am now living in Europe.I have also moved forward since the origin... 
Need longer cables, and tempted to go with used Audience AU24e. Thoughts?
Thanks. jaybe – do you mean to suggest that the 24e is a big step up, or only the later versions? 
What are the sexiest components ever made?
Beogram vertical tracking turntables (I owned one back in the day) were/are pretty damned sexy. 
Integrated Amp $1200 or less
Another vote for a used Hegel. I have an H160, and am very pleased. 
Amp Upgrade time, $6000 budget, used or new.
I must say that no matter how good the Magtech amp may be, I would be inclined to choose something else solely on the basis of @arctikdeth ’s over-the-top shilling. 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
The above two posts are valuable in that they both touch on what may be useful points. Bi-wiring, for example, with at least some Vandersteen speakers (e.g. 2CE), apparently allows the user to make tonal changes via dials on the back of the speake... 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
This sure sounds like hard science. Lots and lots of "I believe" in there. He couldn't even be bothered to listen to it. It is no more authoritative than Vandersteen's anecdotal evidence. Is there any evidence that Richard Vandersteen does not use... 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
"So Alan Shaw says it doesn’t matter and Richard Vandersteen says it absolutely matters. Two very respected speaker designers with completely different views of the same subject. Do you just cherry pick one because it supports what you believe or ...