
Responses from whipsaw

Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
Ah, sorry. No problem.BTW, I am not claiming that vintage gear is objectively as good or better than current technology, but simply that some very pleasing sound can be produced by good vintage gear.I owned a Jeff Rowland Concentra for a number of... 
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
@paraneer "true vintage"? What, exactly, are you talking about? I mentioned two Accuphase models from the '70s and early '80s.Their specs are plenty good, as is the sound that they produce. 
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
Top-class vintage, which can be had within the OP's price range, can sound extremely good. I would recommend considering either an Accuphase E-303 or E-303x. Worth having them recapped, but they both look and sound superb. 
Is it idiotic to stack components directly on top of one another?
Thanks for the feedback. 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
@chazro I hear ya, but I thought that perhaps a single isolated shelf might solve the problem. And, having just pursued Salamder's site (it has been a while), it appears that I might be able to use one of their offerings for just that purpose. I'l... 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
@jond The EMC is a top-loader, but the loading area is recessed a bit, and there would be adequate room to load and unload CDs. The roof above the platter slides in, and exposes it. And as there are two wide sections on either side of that mechani... 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
Thanks ghosthouse. As it happens, the Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP that I own is remarkably heavy and solid. I can't imagine that it would have any problems holding even both Accuphase components.I actually have had both sitting directly on top of a w... 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
Thanks hifiman. As it happens, I have used Herbie's decoupling devices, so I already have a good association with their products. And I agree that they are excellent to deal with.I appreciate the suggestion. 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
I am still wondering, though, if anyone knows of a high-quality single isolation shelf. In other words, a shelf on four legs that would fit over the bottom component, and be strong enough to hold one or two relatively heavy components above.  
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
Thanks. I think that, as a temporary solution, I will stack the amp on the bottom, then the tuner, with the CD player on top. The tuner won't be on when the CD player is in use, and there will be enough space between the latter and the amp to reas... 
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?
Thanks. I have owned Salamander equipment before, and it is excellent. But I am attempting to work with a nice vintage wood piece of furniture. 
***Advice Needed***Choosing Between Mini & Midi Monitors
I don’t know what your budget is, but if it isn’t limited, the Harbeth P3ESR might be the perfect choice. Used in smaller rooms, the bass is excellent, and for the types of music you listen to, I doubt that you could do better. 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
I always find it interesting that there is typically little soul/funk/R&B to be found on these type of threads.I grew up in the late '60s and '70s, and, while that period was obviously golden for Rock, I found black popular music to be more co... 
Opinions please on integrated for green mountain europas
I used a Jeff Rowland Concentra (first gen.), and the system sounded terrific. I also upgraded to Callistos (also first ten.). 
Why are so many companies like harbeth making old speakers designs and charging thousends?
Audi's Quattro system was first introduced in 1980. So the basic technology is 36 years old, and yet it remains the best of its kind, as anyone who has driven aggressively under adverse conditions will attest.I collect (mechanical) vintage watches...