
Responses from whipsaw

Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
@zavato Thanks! I got lucky with a local seller. I agree with you completely in terms of the focus of what we should spend on. Surprisingly, the EMC remote, which is simple and well designed, works perfectly with the MOON. The only exception is th... 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Thanks! It's going to be tough to compare them directly, as the EMC DAC surely has its own character. Your suggestion of using the RCA out does make sense as a comparison of the two solely as transports, but in that realm, I expect the MOON to be ... 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Well, guys, I bought the Neo 260 transport. Couldn't really go wrong for $1000! As I haven't yet purchased a DAC, I have begun to listen to it through the internal DAC in my Hegel h160 integrated amp.First impressions are positive, but my expectat... 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Thanks for your input @zavato and @facten  
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Thanks for the details! 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
@jab I have been very happy with my Electrocompaniet, but it is almost 20 years old, and while I replaced the laser a few years ago, there are some other issues that are beginning to surface.As I'm not inclined to invest further in it, I am consid... 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Thanks George! I have learned from your views on various topics in the past. While I have been in the game a long time, I have, as suggested in my initial post, been quite slow to focus on DAC technology. So...having begun to digest some of the in... 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Very odd. Not a lot of magazine reviews out there, either. But as you say, the little feedback and few reviews are largely quite positive. 
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?
Thanks. Odd that so few have apparently tried the player, given the general popularity of SimAudio components. 
An audio rack that really does make a difference.
I second the Quadraspire X. Mine is bamboo, and beautiful. 
How eclectic is your taste in music?
From Bootsy to Bartok. 
Any advice? Parasound A21, Ayre V5xe, Benchmark AHB2, or Bryston 4B3?
Hegel (great value) and Gryphon (great – period!) both work superbly with Harbeth.  
Vintage Receiver: TANDBERG, MARANTZ, or…?
@aktchi Thanks for the note! Given that Simon, the founder of AC, was in the store so much when I lived in Evanston, I suspect that it was the original location. It was interesting to see how careful he was to hire only people who were truly passi... 
Looking to buy a quality integrated $10,000 budget.
Surprised that Gryphon has only been mentioned once.  
During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.
@an10490413 It appears that you have been heavily influenced by the tweeting style of the "leader of the free world".