
Responses from warnerwh

Room Acoustics Problem????
Someone who is very knowledgeable is Ethan Winer of Realtraps. Give him a call. Pics would probably help too. He's very helpful with people that aren't even interested in buying anything. His prices though are the best for what you get from what I... 
What would you change?
Try moving the speaker position here and there an inch or less at a time. Also try changing toe angle. You didn't mention your room and if there's any treatment but treatment can help alot, especially with first reflections. I've found the first r... 
Music Hall cd-25 or Rega planet 2000
If you like the Music Hall you can get the Onix 88 from AV123 on sale for 299.00. It's the same exact player I believe. 
Moving to separates
If you deal with people with positive feedback you'll find you can get much more for your money on the used market. I love this place. The only place where new may be a good idea is a digital front end. Five years ago I was pretty wary but have be... 
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?
Chad: The last amp I will put in my system is a Carver. I bought one of the TFM models just to toy with a few years ago. After it was in my system for a few minutes I had to get it out of there. Thin sounding with no imaging. Those are of the wors... 
Twisted Lyrics :
I'm your Venus, I'm your bundle of joy. I remember hearing this line in high school through my car radio as: I'm your Penis, I'm your bundle of joy yes I am! 
HZ.....How low for full range music???
Getting bass down low with honest power is not easy. You have to deal with the laws of physics. A rough guess would be that 90% of speakers claiming bass to 30hz are putting out too little to seem realistic imo. You need to be able to move alot of... 
VMPS RM2 or Eminent Technology V111a???
The VMPS RM2's once set up don't need it again. It's not nearly as hard as many people have made it. It's kind of a dual edged sword but once you have the control the VMPS speakers offer you'll wonder how you could own speakers that didn't, at lea... 
Confused and out of touch a little over my CD play
Check out the Marantz SA8260. Stereophile rated class A if that means anything. The user feedback over at AA has been excellent too. It also plays sacd's and cdr/rw. I was in the same boat as you and did some research and the Marantz is what I cam... 
Magnum Dynalab 106T with poor reception...Help
Go to fmtunerinfo.com and learn more about tuners. Also on Yahoo groups go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FMtuners/ and ask questions. These guys know everything there is to know about tuners. I'll say this: A good modded vintage tuner will blo... 
Best planar, elctro......budget and room concerns
VMPS ribbons, here's a list of reviews. The 626R's are in your price range: http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/viewtopic.php?t=13112 
Looking for tube preamp with remote volume ??
Audio Research LS 15 or 16. Nice clean sound, not overly euphonic like some others. Excellent customer support. 
Why do some DACs have transformers?
I'd think all do as they have to transform the wall juice to dc. Some are outboard that's all and I'm sure it's to keep noise down. I'm no ee though so maybe I'm wrong. 
McCormack DNA225 w/Platinum Upgrade???
For that much you could get a pair of Parasound JC1's which are already modded out from the factory. Actually prices seem to be closer to 3k used. Lots of power and excellent build quality to boot. Only downside is the mainstream brand name that m... 
Best pre-owned subs below $1k?
For music the VMPS subs are excellent and great bang per buck. The M&K are also excellent. Both of these can be bought for under a thousand.