
Responses from warnerwh

Subwoofer for under $1000-new, used, or DIY
Of course for the money it will be hard to beat DIY. Maybe you should go to the madisound and partsexpress sites and ask them. Lots of great knowledge there. For a grand you can build a killer sub. There's some other good ones: M&K used, VMPS ... 
Pls advise on budget integrated or pre/power comb.
If your system is too bright you may want to work with your room acoustics and speaker/listener position. It's not something that is going to be fixed with wire most likely. This will work two fold in your benefit as your room acoustics have a maj... 
Speaker suggestions
Planars and electrostatics are going to be much more coherent in that price range. A pair of Magnepan 3.6's are a bargain used. I am a dealer for VMPS and we've garnered numerous rave reviews with our hybrids. Also won "Best of High End" at CES an... 
amplifiers for Kappa 9's
The impedance of those speakers gets very low which would probably be a problem with most tube amps. I know a Parasound HCA 3500 will drive those too but many amps won't due to the very low impedance. Do a search here and you'll find more info. 
Krell Resolution 1 or Vandy 3A sig
Only you can sat what you like. The Vandersteen's are no doubt the better deal for the money but there are alot of speakers in between the prices that are excellent. 
Name some full range speakers.
vVMPS RM/X will do 20hz accurately, powerfully and with finesse. About 12k new. 
What do I purchase an Analog or a Digital tuner
You should go to fmtunerinfo.com and read. There are many vintage tuners that will outperform many modern tuners at multiples of their price. Also modding a vintage tuner for a total of several hundred will get you sound quality equal to the best ... 
Remedy for Spendor sub 60Hz deficiency?
I'd look at a good used sub like M&K,VMPS,HSU and Rocket. Unfortunately physics are physics and you need to deal with it. For 500 used you can get a decent sub. 
Can you have a huge 3D soundstage in a small room?
Check out realtraps.com. Good pricing. Room treatment will help alot. I'm suprised nobody mentioned speakers but big speakers will throw a larger soundstage and your room should accomodate them. The room treatments will help no matter what you do ... 
Von Schweikert VR4jr's in a 15' x 12' Room?
Get some bass traps. It will help any room to do so. It's kind of like making your room larger. Good Luck 
Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr.
Fsarc: Why would it be endless fun with putty and pots? If you hear well you can just set them up and forget it. Any speaker takes significant time to set up properly and VMPS speakers are probably the most difficult to do right and are not for be... 
Speaker advise needed
You should go listen to those as they have different sonic signatures. My preference would be the Magnapans but the Gallo's have had superb reviews. See which one you like is the best thing you can do. Your list is a very good one and you really c... 
Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr.
Just be sure you guys never have a shootout between the VMPS's and the Vandersteen's as it's no contest any way you want to listen to it. I like the Vandersteen's, don't get me wrong, but they have met their match by no small margin by a number of... 
Thiel CS6 to Von Schweikert VR4 JR - Am i Crazy?
As the above poster states the DEQX may be what you need. Or maybe some room treatment if you don't have any. Room acoustics are a huge factor and can drastically change the way your speakers sound. Those are excellent speakers and maybe the Von S... 
Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr.
I am as small a dealer as is possible, I sell nothing else and just started a couple of days ago. If you check my posts you'll see I've posted recommendations of VMPS speakers, along with many others for a very long time. It's out of my house and ...