
Responses from usblues

Dynaco ST-70 totally restored vs Dynaco ST-70 Kit
Second Ponnie's take on things.Good luck,Bob 
is audiogon good for the audio industry or bad?
Amen Sns,this is definately the Golden Age.The future looks fairly rosy also,keep on truckin,cheers,Bob 
Considering new amp - Mccormack
His offerings are top-shelf.Highly recommended.I wont bore you with my choices.Good luck,Bob 
unbiased opinion of Moon monoblocs
Touche' my friend.... 
unbiased opinion of Moon monoblocs
You were a big help Newbee unlike G and I....thanks for the illumination.Especially never hearing them.Amazing,how did you do that?Our answers had nothing to do with his question which was second to his real reason of coming over for a hello.We we... 
Fed Ex Ground Shipping Woes
Thanks for starting the 173rd thread of Fedex,UPS,Bax,etc etc etc versions of shipping packages around the World.So very illuminating men.Thanks so much for your experiences.I wonder when the next thread will rear its cardboard head???Cmon,you can... 
Newbie needs advice for upgrade.
Ditto Larryken.Rega,anti-cables and some used KRK speakers or older JBL's.I had the Luna for years on Missions and Merlins and it was as good as 85% of all Ive heard.Keep on truckin,cheers,Bob 
How does smoke effect speakers?
Not sure about smoke and speakers anymore than I'm sure about smoke and politicians.Or smoke and mortgage bankers.Sorry,good luck,Bob 
unbiased opinion of Moon monoblocs
Welcome.We specialize in opinions here.But not the unbiased kind.You wont find those above the age of 2,maybe 3.After that we all have an agenda.Where the hell are you from son?Moon amps?Their great!They suck!Get em.Dont get em.Welcome.We need fre... 
1 piece of audio gear I really regret selling is..
Nakamichi CA511,Levinson 29, 
popping sound from l and r speakers
Video and audio systems have a habit of popping when their connected.Dont worry,but do run it down to satisfy curiousity[sp].Someone in the know will be by here soon,good luck,Bob 
kef 107 versus dali ms5 speakers
Directional fuse and integrated IEC outlet
Thats a very good suggestion for this crowd E,cheers,Bob 
Biasing ARC Classic 60
Thanks for the tips.I appreciate it,Bob 
Dodd preamp battery plays 40 minutes
Don't open that door T.