
Responses from usblues

quasi-omni, cheap speakers for a friend's new barn
Bose 901's,250$ on CL/Ebay.....good luck,Bob 
Integrated $500-1K for Classic Jazz
Do cold temperatures damage audio equipment?
Good one those Merlins treatin ya.. 
Tweaks when building a listening room? its not the thickness or fastening,but the pliability.I wonder if 3/8" would nt be the best as it would bend easier and thus absorb more than any other??? 
Ayre K1 owners - Do you have images of packaging.
Great idea! Contact them,ask for shipping and the guy will probably give you exact measurements.Then on to the store for the foam.Keep up the good work,America needs more workers who arent dependant.Cheers,Bob 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Been doing this since 68,so the trends are familiar.Back in the day you bought usually from the store or a friend.If it didnt break,you kept it for years.When I was fat in the 80's,I bought from the store still again,not alot oftrading.Now and for... 
Tweaks when building a listening room?
Angle the ceiling? 
Are there taxes from items purchased in the UK?
better decide on what there shipped IN also.....good luck,Bob 
Elvis Aaron Presley 1-8-35 8-16-77
Never did,never will........still looking good from my neighborhood...... 
Elvis Aaron Presley 1-8-35 8-16-77
Elvis we hardly knew ya.Say it aint so......all is forgiven,come home.Heros are impossible to find......theres a message for you at the Sands......check out the dwarf with the pink telephone.....he'll steer you,adieu. 
NO CES Updates???
No Mapman,Vegas hasn't been Vegas for 25 years IMHO.Something else altogether now....... time has done it in,cheers,Bob 
Upgrading Frontend in 2009: Which way to go?
All good suggestions.Get a Mac mini and your choice of USB dac and your in a brave new world.I can second the BC Dac3,good luck,Bob 
How can you not have multichannel system
Many paths to salvation,this is extremely old news.What other enlightening news do you have today we should know?.... 
Help choosing a new power conditioner.
Those 3 seem to be working for alot of people here and I will add the BPT is another ala Husk too.You will be making a good move whichever,HNY,Bob 
ARC VT100MK1 owners help...
Thanks for the info men,very helpful,Bob