Responses from unreceivedogma
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @roxy54 Somebody in this forum spends their time playing spelling gotcha! Maybe you could please get me a new iPhone with a compatibly updated spellcheck? I’d appreciate it. | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @thecarpathian The threads on cables imho have no basis in reality. Yet there are hundreds of them that go on and on. There have been some humorous responses here at the very least, plus the melodrama of my being called disgusting, an accusatio... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @emergingsoul You sent me a message through some other channel. I have no idea how to respond there. Why don’t you just post it here? | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @limomangus as for the - preamp and tuner (no receivers), I bought them used from a dealer in Manhattan who sells lots of used gear and stands behind everything he sells - amps, bought from the same dealer. They were a little unstable in th... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @limomangus I don’t take chances: - notwithstanding my completely, utterly disgusting political orientation, I’m conservative about a lot of things. In particular, spending my money. I don’t want to loose it. - I always kick the tires. - I w... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? @roxy54 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | |
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble? I recently bought a dedicated tube phono preamp, the Pro-ject Tube Box DS2, for my Koetsus. It gets run through a line stage in my Beard P505. It’s just what I needed. | |
Loudspeaker sensitivity and dynamics: are the two inexorably linked? Thank you all for this very interesting exchange, a little of which frankly goes right over my head. Thankfully, the excellent results that I am getting from my setup indicate that I somehow figured much of this out intuitively, instinctively. t... | |
A Sanely Priced Power Conditioner That Actually Works - OnFilter PDU I use a Furman. I got it on sale. About $700 I think. It is fine. | |
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system It’s whatever works for you. I used to rely on a DBX back in the 1970s - 1980s. It was among the best in its day. It helped me kill the shoutiness of my Altecs. Today I no longer need nor use it. if you would like to try it out before you sp... | |
Why are high efficiency speakers preferred for low volume listening? I have been using 16 ohm 101db speakers driven by 35 watt and 130 watt amps for 47 years. During that time, I have noticed that the aging of the components matters a great deal. I recone and demagnetize the drivers regularly. Capacitors start to... | |
VPI to What I bought a VPI HW MK II with a Sumiko MMT arm and a Koetsu Black in 1985. About 15 years ago, I was thinking of upgrading to a classic for $5K. However, I noticed that the classic had a decidedly different design philosophy - no more lead ring imb... | |
Hearing aid question I have pretty bad tinnitus, caused by cervical stenosis and arthritis in my jaw, but the severity comes and goes. At the same time, I have only very mild hearing loss, somewhat better hearing than normal level for my age. So for now, I just dial u... | |
Watts! How many do we need? Two Futtermans at 135 watts each. Altecs are 101 db efficiency, 16 ohms. The can play twice as loud as I could ever tolerate. see theaudioatticvinylsundays.com | |
Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ? I’ve been collecting since I was 11, in 1965. I have 6,000 LPs. its all I can do to find time to listen to them, never mind streaming. |