

Responses from unreceivedogma

The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
@liquidsound  And some people believe there is a man in the sky with a white beard that will take care of them when they die, if only that they would behave. They do believe this really happens.  
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...
I’ve had the VPI HW MK IV with SAM since 1985.  It’s built like a brick schiethaus, as the saying goes. Weighs a ton: the platter alone is 16 lbs.   
Throw it out!
I own 6,000 LPs. I am purging 300. The rest stay.   theaudioatticvinylsundays.com  
The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
"....there are no measurement data or mathematical formulas to be found to back up this amazing scientific discovery...." Therefore, at least according to the way I understand science, there was no scientific discovery, even of the mundane kind. ... 
Dog pissed on speaker
It's all your fault. If you had trained your dog to appreciate music, as I have, you wouldn't have had that problem: https://www.theaudioatticvinylsundays.com/  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
I’ve been using the (legendary, so I’ve been told) Sumiko MMT since 1985. Just two weeks ago, I got lucky and found a NOS minty Jelco SA-750EB. Jelco made the MMT and this is essentially the same arm, but better, with newer improved bearings, it... 
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system
“….I highly recommend getting rid of the cumbersome CDs when streaming…..” Cumbersome CDs? Good lord, their raison d’etre is convenience. I must be getting old. Like, really old.   
Do you trust your ears more than measurements?
Measure once.  Listen twice.  Repeat.  It’s the opposite of construction.   
Records and CDs
Too each his own. That said …. - to my ears, analog sounds better than digital. For example: I was able to tell that the sound quality of MOFI had declined, but I did not know why until the controversy leaped out into the press. - I like the pro... 
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you?
I have been using for 39-46 years the following: - Altec Lansing 604Cs: 101db efficiency, 26 ohms.  - NYAL Julius Futterman OTL3 monoblocs, converted to triode, about 135 watts each.    theaudioatticvinylsundays.com/about  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
Others have already pointed this out and I may as well pile on: The sound of the tonearm is highly conditioned on matching, to the cartridge and imho also to the table. It’s trial and error. Better for many people to buy them from a dealer who h... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
@stereo_buff Thank you for that. There’s at least some science in there, and it’s science I can understand and choose to agree or disagree with. It neither confirms nor disproves my view: it can make a difference, but is it an improvement and mo... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
For the record, I am in no need of rationalisms masquerading as a public service. Let me elaborate. As many here know, I have been at this hobby for 55 years, since I built my Dynakit Stereo 70 when I was 14. Since then, I have had the opportun... 
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
@amtprod  Not sure what it is exactly that I nailed but you are welcome! 🤗 🙏🏼   
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
@raam And some people believe there are tooth fairies.  I prefer that which works for myself, so we agree on that much. I will not use that personal experience as a foundational edifice upon which to hang an Abdolutist Audio Ideology that I expe...