Responses from unreceivedogma
Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars? I’ve gone to a few. The experiences vary. some are really focused on the listening. Others on the vibe and the social experience. My own room compares favorably, with a fraction of the hardware expenditure. i lived in nyc for 45 years I move ... | |
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ??? I heard a couple at Sound by Singer. I didn’t bother to ask about the prices but I guess easily over $500,000 each. They were in treated auditioning rooms contrary to the previous commenter, I do believe in the law of diminishing returns and my... | |
Top 10 Live Albums In no particular order: 1 - Paul Robeson at Carnegie Hall 2 - Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall 3 - Jefferson Airplane - Bless Its Pointed Little Head - Live at the Filmore East/West 4 - Quicksilver Messenger Service - Happy Trails - Live at th... | |
Entry Level Tube Integrated Amps The Dynaco Stereo 70. I built one from a kit when I was 14 years old. I used it for 12 years before switching to a pair of Dyna MK IIIs, then a larger Hafler. I cannot say the latter two were improvements. I now use a pair of NYAL Futtermans OTL3... | |
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables? .01%. That’s not a typo. | |
New York City Audio/Hifi Bars and Cafes Please. a listening bar is not an audio showroom such as Wasserman’s Stereo Exchange (Sound by Singer is closed, guys, the dude died years ago), nor a jazz club such as the Blue Note, nor a record store. it is a place where a high end audio syst... | |
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say? I never offer an opinion unless asked. If asked, and I find whatever it is that they are asking about to be wanting, I start a conversation by asking them about how they went about their choices and decision making. That leads into “what about... | |
When I listen to my system....... @mihorn That link to two speakers placed …. In a parking lot? You are kidding me, right? | |
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album @larryi Regarding the MoFi one step. I had been buying MoFi releases for a decade or so. I personally found that they were not always better than if you had a well cared for original pressing. At one point, I found that the sound quality had d... | |
When I listen to my system....... @mihorn “Artists don’t know…” THAT is a remarkably arrogant statement. I have many friends who are professional performing and recording artists, incl my own daughter. I assure you they know what they are listening to. One is so tuned in to t... | |
Does anyone on AG truly care anymore about objectivity & sincerity of Magazine reviews? I was sorta gratified to once read in … the absolute sound or stereo review, I forget which ….. that the reviewer felt that the Futterman OTLs that I own are among the 5 best amps of all time. But really, I read reviews these days mostly for enter... | |
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album Maria Duenas “Beethoven and Beyond” on Deutsche Grammophon. - Stunning once in a generation musicianship by Maria on violin. - Impeccable recording engineering - flawless vinyl pressing I just saw her solo debut at Weill Recital Hall (Little C... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? I can’t believe it’s not butta. | |
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL For what it is worth, and this is for the folks here that are sneering at the Shure V15 Type II, …. I know an engineer who builds much of his own gear - speakers, amps etc - and who has 5 Grammys sitting on his fireplace mantle who says that he fe... | |
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid Didn’t someone say that the only thing to fear is fear itself? Trust your ears. |