

Responses from unreceivedogma

??? How Much Would You Spend ???
I’m sorry but it’s not a question of minimum amount. It’s about the bang for your buck that you get from carefully shopping for second hand or floor models.   
Room with glass windows as a walls.
I have a daughter who is a professional musician.  She is also a fashion trendsetter.  She has never been interested in my advice.  I suspect that though your daughter may be neither of these things, she is moving into a new apartment, signalin... 
Time for a new cartridge
I have a Benz H2.0 that I will be putting up for sale. It’s been refurbished and retipped by VDH and has had little to no use since.    I'm also thinking of selling a Koetsu rosewood signature.    Contact me directly if you think these might wor... 
The best customer experience I've ever had......
Mine was with Harry Weisfeld when he told me to save myself $4,000 and upgrade my VPI HW 19 Mk II to a IV instead of buying a new Classic. He took $4,000 out of his pocket and put it in mine. That's amazing.  
Turntable suggestions for a newbie
I bought the VPI HW 19 Mk II with a Sumiko MMT arm and a Koetsu Black in 1985 from Sound By Singer. I was going to upgrade to a VPI Classic around 2010, but Harry (Weisfeld: the "HW") told me that for $800 to $1,000, I can save myself $4,000 by s... 
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
— Speakers technology changes. Component matching has never gone away. — Horns go with tubes. — My beef with Magico is that quality sound should not cost more than the     GDP of Italy. Oy vey iz mir.  
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
There is no substitute to auditioning prospects and then deciding. Best done in your own home, with your equipment. I don't know what else to tell you.  
When I listen to my system.......
Again, the false dichotomy rears its head.  Hi-end audio allows you to hear the music the way the artist intended you to hear it.  That doesn’t mean that you don’t listen to great music that was not optimally recorded. You make do with what you ... 
Anyone notice different amounts of surface noise with different arms?
- tonearms do not sound exactly the same - setup is critical. Deviations measured in .0001 (I’m pulling a number outa my tuchus, but you get the idea) will make a difference - it has been my experience that less expensive cartridges are livelier... 
new member, some questions, need help please
My speakers were built in 1956. I have been listening to them for 47 years. For the first two and a half decades, I would come down with a case of FOMO fever about every 5 years or so and go running around listening to stuff I could afford, and ... 
Wanna take it to the next level? Buy MORE speakers!
I can’t believe it’s not buttah.   
The Allure of Vintage Audio Gear
Another false dichotomy. Some vintage is harsh. Some contemporary stuff conveys a warm sound. There is no need to sacrifice quality in a vintage system. I’m a vintage guy, but I sacrifice little to nothing in terms of detail. My system is not ... 
HiFi satisfaction and/ or Musical enjoyment
As I stated on another thread. The point of high fidelity is to be able to hear what the artist intended. Therefore, the dichotomy between “listening to music” and “listening to audio” is false. The latter is at the service of the former. My “ba... 
When I listen to my system.......
Hi fidelity matters because it lets you fully hear what the artist intended. Therefore, your proposition is false: there is no dichotomy, no contradiction, no one way better than the other. They are the same.   
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955
If your home isn’t grounded, I’d say grounding your audio is the least of your problems. I live in a building built in 1865. I installed all new electrical and plumbing. Ya just can’t mess with second rate electrical work. Safety and fire hazard.