
Responses from tsushima1

Please recommend speakers
Dear God … despite recent events you still relentlessly * Push* your nefarious relationship product agendas … before listens to this individual I recommend respondents read the last few pages of this thread https://forum.audiogon.com/discussion... 
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
Wilson Benesch. 😎 😎 😎     Tekton … 🤣 😂🤣        
CLX ART with 2 sub connections
As per @jderdock has said … however you can also take the signal by also attaching the spades , bare wire of your subs speaker cable to the inputs of the CLX’s together with your main speaker cables from your amps . I experimented with all three ... 
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
Oh dear …That Tarnished Crown slips a little further aye MC 😉   
@mapman …. Nice list I would also add Carver and BAT  
@twoleftears  I would pay per view to see that 🤣  
Jazz for aficionados
Some good work there @frogman   
Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck
+1 @missioncoonery   If looking for high SPL levels at the cost to High Fidelity,  *cheaply* constructed , crude midrange,  PA speakers you are spot on .  
Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?
Some folk are way too preoccupied on the internet *Pushing* their brand of *cheaply* constructed , crude midrange PA speakers to be bothered listening to other speaker brands!  
Synergistic ECTs
As for the post by MC … 🤣   
Synergistic ECTs
As per @rsf507  “ Tried them and heard nada “… A friend brought a handful of these around to try in my system , as he just wasn’t sure! Returned home and got rid of his PDQ  
Raven Audio and Beyond...
🙄 "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"  William Shakespeare.  
Raven Audio and Beyond...
Absolutely no worries whatsoever @mijale  What I find disconcerting about your post being that I rather suspect that you know very fine and well that your speakers of choice are not a suitable match for a 20 Watt stereo amplifier yet you appear t... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
And there we Have it Dear Readers …. A Very well and widely regarded Professional in the field of measuring audio electronics,  and in this case the parameters of a particular speaker design ( or should that be thrown together ?)   Has his unbias... 
Raven Audio and Beyond...
Blah …. Blah ….Blah … Page 001 Condescension ….Blah… Blah…. Blah Well Ralph, Thats your MA series OTL’s on the Naughty Step then @atmasphere